
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10


Hello Year 3 2021 - 20211!




Maths and English

  • Reading and spelling words (see instructions each week in your child’s Reading Record).

  • Learn and practise timetables 



For each topic we cover in school, choose from activities on the map (see below). Your child should complete each task in this book (1 task per week). He/she can use the Knowledge Organiser for the topic to help.


History Focus: Timeline

Please also see our Year 3 Timeline. This shows historical events we have already studied in Year 1 and Year 2, as well as events/periods we will look at in Year 3. We would very much appreciate if you could help your child to learn some of the dates for these periods/events.


Please ensure that your child brings her/his book bag to school every day.


Thank you for your support,


Mrs Marokova and Mrs Begum.

Autumn 1 & 2: Feel the Force Homework


Feel the Force Knowledge Organiser

 Autumn 2: Genius Geologists Homework




Genius Geologist Knowledge Organiser

Spring 1 Gods and Heroes  Homework Activities



Gods and Heroes Knowledge Organiser

Summer 1 Brilliant Botanists Homework Activities

April-May 2021 Homework suggestions

Brilliant Botanists Knowledge Organisers

Summer 2 Homework Imperial Invaders

The Empire Strikes Back Knowledge Organiser
