
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Spoken Language

Beginning in Reception and continuing through all Primary years, the children develop their capacity to express themselves effectively for a variety of purposes. This is fostered in our Communication Friendly Spaces, as well as through carefully structured lessons. Working with adults and other children, their activities include listening, giving opinions, replying to instructions and questions, describing experiences and feelings.


KS2 children extend these skills to recount events, tell stories, take on dramatic roles, report, summarise and predict. Children are also provided with opportunities to compose, recite and perform poetry. All classes take part in literary events, where published writers work with the children to enrich their literary skills. Both KS1 and KS2 children take part in annual dramatic public performances. In reception and nursery, children perform a nativity with songs and rhymes in nursery, and with additional speaking and role play parts in reception.

The Spoken Language National Curriculum objectives are guidance for years 1 to 6. Along with this, we follow Universally Speaking guidance, which is backed by research, in order to give us more specific aims for each year group. 

Universally Speaking Guidance
