Online Safety for Children
The internet can be a wonderful place! It helps us to keep in touch with friends, enables us to play certain games, helps us with our education, and more besides! However, we must always be careful when we are using the internet. As wonderful as it is, it can also cause harm – to you and to others.
Remember that help is always available at school if you are having any problems online. Never be afraid to talk to your teacher or another adult at school - we care about you and we're here to help!
If you or anyone you know is worried about about something online, please tell a trusted adult (parent, teacher, TA etc.). You can report anything related to Internet Safety by clicking the link below which will take you to the CEOP reporting website:
Tips for staying safe online:
- Remember to only use websites that your parents know about, and don't go online without a trusted adult present in the room.
- Be mindful of the age limitations on websites - they are there for a reason!
- Never give out personal details online - for example you should never use your real full name, a real photo of yourself (choose a fun Avatar instead!) or give details such as your school or where you live.
- Avoid speaking to strangers online. If someone you don't know asks to be your online friend you must ensure an adult knows about it, and NEVER meet up with a stranger you have met online.
- Be aware that not everything you read online is true! Make sure you get your information from trustworthy, reputable sites (e.g. BBC news, Newsround). There is a LOT of misinformation out there and unfortunately some dishonest people are very good at making it look convincing!
- Make sure you get some fresh air and have screen-free time every day. Too much screen time is bad for your mental and physical health.
- Remember to always be kind online. Online bullying can have devastating effects - just like when face to face.
- Be mindful of your online footprint. EVERYTHING you ever write online is potentially there forever (no matter how fast you try and delete it!)
- Know how to use the CEOP Button (above and here: CEOP) and how to report it to the CEOP Centre if you are concerned about someone’s online behaviour towards you.
- When using a new social app, game or website, look through it with an adult before you start to make sure you know how to report/block someone if necessary (remember to screenshot anything that makes you feel uncomfortable and tell a trusted adult immediately!)
Follow the SMART (with a heart!) Rules.

Check these links out (choose the one for your age group):