
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Week beginning 01/03/21

Friday 4th March- Remote Learning

You did it!

You have done incredibly well in some really difficult and different circumstances. We are so proud of your attitude, positivity and resilience. One final day of online learning and then we will be back together on Monday. Make sure you take some time this weekend to reset and have a think about coming back to school. Think about what you want to learn, who do you want to see? Set yourself some targets for the rest of the year. 


Remember there are no Teams meetings today and your teacher may not be able to respond to you, they are getting everything ready for you to come back together!




Choose the middle bottom square called KS2 then you can click practise before choosing take a test. 


Ready - 

 Worksheet link: 



LO: To write a narrative climax. 

In this lesson we will use our film analysis and plans to write a narrative climax based on the film 'Whale Rider'. Please note that the film clip features the death of a whale. If this is a sensitive topic for your child, please make sure they are adequately supervised. 


Link to record work on: 



Click on the link below and go to 'Have a Practice'. In the corner of the page you will see shared, you need to click on this and choose Spring week 2' for this week's spelling test. Good luck.



Yesterday we learnt all about flooding. In most cases natural flood defences like trees, soil, rivers and lakes absorb all the water but sometimes we need to give nature a helping hand in order to prevent damage to people or property.  


Below you will find some pictures of Bewdley and Worcester. They are quite near to Birmingham and often suffer with flooding because of the large, fast-flowing rivers that run through them. Look at these swans having a lovely explore down the high street! 


Because of this, they have some incredible man-made flood defences to protect people and homes from the water. Look at the pictures and see if you can figure out how they work. 

You can have a closer look at Bewdley by looking on google earth, click this link and move the little man onto the map to take a look around. You will notice that their flood defences have been designed to just slip away when it is dry.,-2.32157285,82.42789969a,11354.31382678d,35y,0h,0.00000079t,0r/data=CnIaSBJCCiUweDQ4NzA2MTgwYjRmZWUwNGI6MHg4OWExMDYxNTg5YTIzZDNkGa-vdakRMEpAIVa45SMpiQLAKgdCZXdkbGV5GAIgASImCiQJdOlzVZU4R0ARpooiBjE4R0AZDKc-9IneMkAhtTJEJxLeMkA  


Your challenge: 


1) You are going to be engineers! Your task is to design your own flood barrier. Draw out your design and think about what shape, material and style it will be. How will you make sure it can grow with rising flood waters?  


2) Create a mini flood barrier in a bowl of water using things from around the house (Only if your grown up says it is ok!) Can you create a barrier that keeps most of the water on only one side of the bowl.


                              Thursday 4th March - remote learning

Good morning Year 4, we are in the last stretch of our remote learning so put your best efforts into these next two days, which some of you already have been doing throughout. Well done to all of those children who have managed to complete as much of the work we have been setting as they could, and especially to those who have completed every piece. Yes, there are some children who have done that! Today there is a live World Book Day assembly, but as our registration is at 9.00 am also you can watch it on this link at any time during the day because it will be recorded. Please do not miss your registration by going to the assembly instead:


Here are your lessons for today:


L.O: to plan a narrative climax. 

In this lesson we will plan a narrative climax based on a clip from the film 'Whale Rider'. We will focus on the characters' actions, body language and facial expressions to show their feelings and emotions. Please note the film clip features the death of a whale, and if you think you will find this upsetting make sure that an adult is around to supervise you during the video. Watch this video and pause it when you are asked to complete any activities. You can record this on the link below or in your own books.

Video link:

Record on here or in your book:



Steady/Go work - problem solving with calculation of quantities

In Maths today, we will be practicing how to calculate fractions of quantities a bit more. Yesterday, lots of you had a go at doing this and found out that in order to calculate non-fraction quantities it was very important to know a unit fraction first. The questions do get trickier as you go but just try and complete as much of the sheets as you can, and make sure that you are using bar models, part-whole and base ten to help you. Watch the video first before completing the worksheet below: 

Video link:

Steady/Go worksheet link:


Ready work - comparing statements

Today you will look at different pictures and representations and writing mathematical sentences about them using what you know about dividing and multiplying. Watch this video and then complete the worksheet below: 

Video link for ready:

Ready Worksheet:



Geography LO: to identify the causes of flooding. 


We have been looking at rivers which we now know are often surrounded by flood plains. These are large flat areas of land that help to absorb extra water and prevent flooding. 

Click on the j2e file below. On it you will find the links to 2 videos and some questions. Answer the questions with as much detail as you can.  



                  World Book Day 'Spudtacular' Competition

Today, we will be launching our ‘Spudtacular’ Competition. This will involve you making book characters or book scenes out of potatoes- yes, potatoes! Here are some examples: 






There will be prizes for the winners. You can either take a photograph of your potato characters/scenes and send it to us on Teams, Padlet or via email. Alternatively, you can bring your model into school when we return. Your entries need to be sent in by Thursday 11th March.    





Wednesday 3rd March- Remote Learning

Well done for your incredible efforts this week, attendance has been brilliant so keep it up! Make sure to try and arrive on time because it means we can all get going quickly.


4F you have PE at 10:15


Remember to sign up for the story teller event! Click this link and register online to see it at half 1 today



LO: Calculate fractions of a quantity. 

Today we are using our knowledge of finding unit fractions of a quantity, to find non-unit fractions of a quantity. 



Video link: 

Worksheet link: 



Video link: 

Worksheet link



LO: To write a narrative write up. 


In this lesson we will use our character analysis and plans to write a narrative build-up based on the film 'Whale Rider'. Please note that the death of a mother and brother are briefly mentioned in this lesson. If this is a sensitive topic for your child, please make sure they are adequately supervised. 

Record your work on here or in your book:




We are going to explore why the River Ganges is considered a scared place to many Hindu people and what a pilgrimage is. Many faiths have special journeys (pilgrimages) that they go on in order to develop their faith. Can you think of a special journey people take within your faith or one you know?  


Watch the videos, they will tell you everything you need to know then go to the work link below it and follow the instructions on the page.  


Video links: 

Espresso link:     (login is: student5033   and password is: stjohns)

 Your work: 


           Tuesday 2nd March - remote learning

Good morning Year 4, well done to most of you for getting to registration on time yesterday, those of you who were late please try and make it on time for our last few days - only four more days of online learning and then we will be back together!


Important notice: 4F Brass lesson is today at 2.15pm, I will post the link on Teams just before it is due to start so please make sure you attend.


Here are the rest of your lessons for today:



L.O: to practice punctuating speech.

In today's lesson you will be looking at how to use speech marks in your writing. We have had a lesson on this previously, where you learnt about the 'speech mark sandwhich' and was a  useful way of reminding yourself where to place your speech marks accurately. In this lesson we will discuss once again the key components of speech punctuation and then practice punctuating speech at the beginning and end of sentences. Watch this video carefully (it may contain some unsettling scenes again so make sure that an adult is around you to supervise) and pause to complete the activities. You can record your work in your own book or on the link below.

Video link:

Record your work here if you like:



Here are your spellings for this week, please make sure that you practice them using any of the spelling strategies we use in school ready for a spelling test on J2Blast on Friday.

    certain, circle, extreme, fruit, forwards, heart, increase, length, natural, popular, question, various



L.O: finding fractions of set amounts (greater than unit fractions).

In yesterday's Math's lesson, you looked at how to find a unit fraction of a set amount. Today you will go one step further and identify fractions which have a numerator greater than one. This will involve firstly working out a unit fraction and then counting the amount in two or more of the parts (depending on what the numerator of the fraction is). Watch this video very carefully and then complete the worksheet below. Please make sure that you complete the worksheet that your teacher has asked you to.


Video link:

Worksheet link:



Video link:

Worksheet link:



Geography: Identify rivers of the UK.

Today we are going to use our maths skills and geographical skills together to find out the coordinates of different rivers in the UK. Coordinates help us work out exactly where something is on a map. Watch this video to remind yourself how to work out a coordinate. 

Video link:

The click this link and follow the instructions on the page.

Worksheet link:



If you usually do phonics with Miss Kaur, then you will need to complete your weekly phonics activities here. Mrs Kirby is recording phonics lessons for you to watch and also an activity for you to complete after each lesson. All you will need is a pencil and some paper. Each week, Mrs Kirby will add two phonics lessons with two activities to complete after. Today's sound is the 'oy' sound. Watch the video below first then complete the activity from the second video.

The oy sound


Activity for the oy sound

                             Monday 1st March - remote learning

Good morning year 4, we hope you have all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed getting out in to the sun. This week is our the very last week of remote learning because we will all be coming back into school on March the 8th -  we can't wait to see you! However, we would really like you to put 100% in this week and complete all of the activities and lessons we set you so that you are ready for your return. Make sure you have a hunt around for your uniforms and PE kits (if you haven't been wearing them over the last few weeks) and practice getting up and ready so that it isn't such a shock next week. Here are some of the amazing labelled river diagrams we received from some of you last week, if you still haven't sent yours in, there is still time.



                                    Ehan                                                    Adam S


LO: To find fractions of a set amount. 


Today, you are going to find a unit fraction of an amount by sharing into equal groups using your division skills. Remember, a unit fraction represents one part of your whole and the number of groups you will dividing into is represented by the denominator of your fractions. Watch the video carefully and then complete as much of the worksheet as you can. 



Video link: 

Worksheet link: 


Ready: Add two 4-digit numbers no exchange - 

Video link: 

Worksheet link: 


LO :To plan a narrative build up


In this lesson we will discuss the purpose of a narrative build-up. We will then re-watch a clip from the film 'Whale Rider' and describe the characters' actions. Please note that the death of a mother and brother are briefly mentioned in this lesson. If this is a sensitive topic for your child, please make sure they are adequately supervised. There are also stills from a film clip which feature some violence in the context of a Maori tradition. 

Record your work on here or in your own book:



Geography LO: Identify physical features of a river. 


On Thursday and Friday last week we explored some of the features of a river. Today I want you to focus on these 4: 


The mouth: Where the river meets the sea 

The source: Where a river begins 

Tributary: A smaller stream that joins the river 

Meander: A bend or curve in the river 


Click the file below, on it you will find maps of some famous rivers in the UK. On each map I want you to identify the 4 features above. Make sure to label clearly! 



LO: Saying your age in Spanish 


In this lesson, we will recap our phonics sounds and greetings from the previous lesson. Then we will learn numbers 1-12 in Spanish and practise those by counting objects. Finally we will learn how to say our age in Spanish. 

Saying your age in Spanish ( 

