
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10


The teaching of spelling is enhanced by the ‘No Nonsense Spelling Scheme’. The scheme is taught daily in year 2 and three times a week in KS2. The scheme gives children the opportunity to learn a spelling pattern, practise it, apply it and revisit it. We constantly strive to create a variety of spelling activities, which are visual, auditory and engaging for the children. Our aim over time is to ensure our children become accomplished, proficient spellers. A key feature of how we teach spellings is by understanding children's spelling journey. Follow this link here to see the spelling journey at St John's. We use the children's phonics foundations to build up their spelling knowledge. Each class uses a GPC (Grapheme Phoneme Correspondence) chart, at the appropriate level, to relate spelling back to children's knowledge of GPCs were possible. Children who have spelling as a barrier to writing are given extra support. Children use J2Blast, an online spelling game, in order to practise the spellings for their year group, as well as their weekly spellings. 

10 spelling strategies

Spelling strategies that we learn during NNS lessons.

Spelling Parent Workshop
