
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Rainforests Multi media

Time to create a Rainforest Multimedia page!


Watch the videos to learn more about rainforests. Take some notes so you have information to add to your multimedia page -

Rainforests 101 | National Geographic - YouTube

Rainforests for Kids | Learn all about the two types of rainforests - YouTube

Rainforest Animals 🐅🌴 - Animals for Kids - Educational Video - YouTube

Earth Science | Facts About the Amazon Rainforests | Science Videos for Kids - YouTube


Look on these websites to find more information:

15 rainforest facts | National Geographic Kids (

What is a rainforest habitat? - BBC Bitesize

Rainforest Habitat facts and photos (


Create your multi media page. Remember to try and include all of the things we spoke about - different sized text, title, pictures, backgrounds, different fonts! Make it as exciting as possible!

