
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Virtual Post-it notes on the value of Justice

Dear Parents/Carers,


Usually, after collective worship, we allow the children to respond to what they have heard by writing on a whiteboard which we leave outside the hall at lunchtime.

It gives them a chance to reflect on the values that we have been thinking about, and consider how these values effect how they live their lives.


I would like to give children a chance to do this virtually. If your child follows this link: JUSTICE they will be able to put a virtual post-it note on a noticeboard by clicking on the + sign on the bottom right of the screen. Please ask them to put their name on their post-it note.


Our value has been JUSTICE, and we have been thinking about how it is UNJUST to treat people badly just because they are different to you. We have also talked about how justice comes when we all look after others, and behave selflessly, instead of being selfish.


I would love to hear from the children about how they have treated somebody with care this week. eg "I helped dad with the cooking" or "I helped my brother with his maths". It would be another great way for us to celebrate together.


Best wishes,

Mrs Seymour
