"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
Dear Parents,
This is usually an exciting time of year for many of the children. Most of them are really looking forward to the holidays, and some are keen to find out who their new teacher will be. For other children, they find this time of year stressful and sad. They are nervous about moving classrooms and changing their teacher. This year is even more challenging. When we come back to school in September, most children will not have been in school for 5 months.
We usually work hard to help children with the transition- visiting their new classroom several times and meeting the Teacher and Teaching Assistant. This year, as we are unable to physically visit different teachers and rooms, we have planned a different form of transition support.
Tomorrow, I will send out a letter which tells you who your child’s next teacher will be. There will be a link next to each class, and this link will take you to a special book that your new teacher has made. This book is interactive and details everything that your child can expect in their new year class. The book can read itself to your child too. We hope that this will help to put your child’s mind at ease.
The following week -from next Monday 6th July, your child’s new teacher will be phoning to have a chat. If your child is worried about anything, this is a great time for them to tell the teacher, or ask any questions they may have. These phone calls will take two weeks, so if you don’t hear from us next week, you will the week after.
The best way to support your child during transition is to listen to their concerns. Their feelings may be unjustified, but they are nevertheless real to them. Acknowledging them is important. Speaking positively about their new class and teacher is also important. If you talk negatively, or share your concerns over the change, then children will pick up on this and think that there is something to worry about.
Change can be scary, but it can also be great.
Best wishes,
Mrs Seymour