"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
Dear Parents and Carers,
I am writing once again to let you know that most of the school will be closed during the teacher strikes of this week. I apologise for the inconvenience this causes, and for the disruption to education.
This week there are two days of planned strikes: Wednesday and Thursday. It might be that there is some progress made in the negotiations between the NEU and the government, but if there isn't, most classes in our school will be disrupted.
Headteachers are not allowed to name those teachers who are on strike, but you will have realised by now that is is the vast majority of our staff, which is why we have had to close to children on the previous strike days. If we are able to open for your child, you will receive a separate email informing you of this.
Please be aware that any striking teacher does not get paid, and feels guilty for not being at school with your children. None of the staff at our school have taken the decision to strike lightly. so I would ask you to be patient with them throughout this dispute.
The two days of partial closure will be on: Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March.
Most classes will be closed. If your child can attend, I will let you know in a separate email.
Thank you for your patience.
Best wishes,
Mrs Seymour