"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
25th September 2020
Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope this email finds you safe and well.
I attach a letter from Dr Justin Varney, Director of Public Health.
It's been a great week at school, with children really taking up the challenges set by their teachers. The pace of learning is fast and when I walk around school, I am very aware of the children's focus and concentration.
We have welcomed back children and staff from Years 2 and 6 this week, although sadly we have had to send Year 5 bubble home yesterday.
Remote Learning:
Teachers are now using Microsoft Teams meetings to register children who are in an isolating bubble, and we are expecting children to join these meetings wearing their school uniform. This is so that they understand it is a working day, and that they are expected to behave as though they were in school. Teachers will teach the children during these meetings, and then set children work to do. This work may be completed on paper or online. Children will need access to a device that can access the internet in order to listen to the teacher. This can be a mobile phone, and then they could work on paper.
Home Time:
We are going to continue using the playgrounds for home time, but we will need to review this as the weather becomes colder and wetter. I will update you as soon as anything changes. Thank you for your patience at home time.
It s really important that if your child has one of the main symptoms of Covid-19, that you book a test as quickly as possible. If your child has had a temperature, new continuous cough or a change/loss to their sense of taste/smell, please do not send them back to school after a couple of days without testing them first. Children can recover from the symptoms quite quickly but still have coronavirus and pass it to others.
Collective Worship:
Mrs Hedges and I are still doing collective worship over a Teams meeting which all classes log into in the morning. It does not have quite the same feeling that having the children in the hall together has, but it is still a good way to keep the ethos of our school alive. I am so proud to see the children thinking about the importance of treating other people kindly and reflecting on the values of our school. Our values at the moment are: Service and Friendship.
Staffing News:
Mrs Kirby and Ms Lyne are now teaching in Year 6. Due to Covid-reasons, Mrs Hughes has been told that she will need to work from home for the foreseeable future. I am sure you would like to wish her well.
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Best wishes,
Mrs Seymour