
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Secondary School Information Event (SEN) Thursday 12th September with Mrs Hudson-Evans, Mrs Clifford-Chapman and Mrs Ringham.

Thank you to all those who attended the information session, I hope you found it useful!

Remember to visit lots of Secondary Schools either through a private, arranged meeting or an Open Day (both if you can!), talk to staff about your child and their needs...and remember to make notes!


As discussed, please find some of the useful questions/things to think about below. The Open Day list for surrounding secondary schools is also included below.


What provision is on offer? Do they have designated pastoral care? A SEN team?

What is the expertise of the staff? Have they had recent and regular training?

Does it feel welcoming? Are staff and children helpful? 

Is the building easy to navigate?

What happens at lunchtimes or break times? What types of support is on offer during these times?

Always raise any concerns that you may have, for example anything highlighted in the Ofsted, with staff. 



2019 Secondary School Open Days


Ark Boulton


Wednesday 18th September, Thursday 19th September

9 – 11am


Bishop Challoner Catholic College


Wednesday 18th September 2019, 6:00-8:30pm


Cockshut Hill School


Tuesday 24th September

5 – 7pm

Wednesday 25th September 9:15 – 10:15am

Wednesday 2nd October 9:15 – 10:15am


Hall Green


Thursday 26th September



Head teacher talk at 7pm

King’s Heath Boys Secondary School


Monday 30th September

6 – 7:30pm


Moseley Secondary School


Thursday 26th and Friday 27th September 9 – 11am



Ninestiles Secondary School


Tuesday 24th September and Thursday 26th September

9:30am – 12



Queensbridge Secondary School


Tuesday 24th September

6 – 8pm

Wednesday 25th September



Selly Park Technology College for Girls




Swanshurst Girl’s School


Wednesday 13th September

6 – 8pm


Head teacher speech at 6:30pm and repeated again at 7:15pm

Wheeler’s Lane Technology College


Monday 16th/Tuesday 17th September

9 – 10:30am

Monday 14th October

9 – 10:30am




Monday 16th, Wednesday 18th, Friday 20th 9 – 10:30am


Thursday 19th September

5.30 – 7:30pm




