
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Ramadan and Fasting

We understand that during Ramadan it is important for Muslims to keep the fast and that many of your children are committed to doing so. As a Church School, we understand and encourage all of our children to grow in their faith, and we would like to support the children who are wishing to keep the fast.


We know that many children do not fast as they have not yet reached puberty, and others fast on a few days. I also know that lots of parents let their child fast at the weekend or during holidays, but prefer them to eat on busy school days. It is obviously a personal decision and one which has to be made in the best interests of your child. Whatever your child decides to do, we will support them.


Your children's health and safety is our priority, and so there are some simple rules that we follow at this time:


1. Only children who are in Year 5 or 6 can fast at school.

2. Children who are fasting do not go outside during lunchtime play. This is because we feel that they need to conserve their energy. We will expect the highest standards of behaviour from them. If they are disruptive inside, we will ask you to take them home for lunch and bring them back for afternoon lessons.

3. We will call you if your child becomes weak or ill during the day, and we may need to give them water to re-hydrate them.

4. On the days that your child is fasting, you will need to let the school office know. You can tell us in person (we are outside school in the mornings), by letter, or by telephone. Staff will also check with the children every morning. This helps us to keep an eye on them and ensure they are ok.

5. We ask children not to fast on their morning PE days as we feel that this can be dangerous, particularly if the weather gets warmer. We will organise for the afternoon PE sessions to be less physically demanding so that they can fast on their afternoon PE days.

I would like to wish all of our Muslim children and their families Ramadan Mubarak.


Best wishes,

Mrs C Seymour
