
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Joint advice from Local Authority and Public Health

Dear Parents/Guardians


There have been a small number of COVID-19 cases at the school over the last week. Currently, all those affected are self-isolating and we are continuing to work with Birmingham City Council and Public Health England (PHE) to prevent future cases and ensure a safe, COVID-secure environment for our pupils and staff.


Following the ‘Hands, Face, Space and Fresh Air’ guidance is very important as the city of Birmingham is now a government enhanced response area. This is because of increasing numbers of people getting infected with the Delta variant, which is more infectious.


It is imperative also that if your child has been asked to self-isolate at home or if there are positive or symptomatic individuals within your household, they should isolate and do not return to school before the end of the self-isolation period. Even if your child appears well, they must self-isolate for the full ten days from contact with a case, as they may be incubating the virus and so pass it on to other people. More information can be accessed at:


Finally, it is also important that people take up the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as invited to do so. Please use our local vaccine toolkit to inform yourselves about the COVID-19 vaccines facts and use trusted NHS websites here:


Thank you for your support in helping to keep our schools safe.
