"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
Dear Parents and Carers,
I've been at St John's School for 18 years, the last 7 of which have been as Head. One of the things I have loved the most about my role, has been the privilege of getting to know so many of you. As a parent myself, I know the trust you place in teachers and leaders, and it has been an honour to serve you. I haven't always got things right: I am not perfect, and I make mistakes like anyone else. However, I have always been open and honest with everyone: my colleagues, the children, and you- the parents. I think that is why we have such strong relationships at our school. I have felt part of something bigger than myself, and when I have talked about being in "the St John's family", I have always meant that sincerely. I have loved my job, and I have loved being part of this community.
I would like to invite you all into school for a "Goodbye Breakfast". I know that Ramadan is fast approaching, so I am thinking of Monday 20th March. I will open the hall from 8.30am until 9.30am, and you can pop in for a bite to eat, a cup of tea and a chat. It will be completely informal- you can arrive and leave whenever you can, and you can stay for as long or as little time as you want. It would be lovely to be able to spend some time with you and be able to say goodbye. If you come in before school, your children can come into the hall with you.
I hope to see many of you there.
Please click on this Form, which will give me an idea of how many of you are planning to come, and what food you would like. It's anonymous- I'm just looking for numbers- so don't worry about agreeing to something when you're not sure you can definitely come. There are only three questions: it will take you 30 seconds!! Goodbye Breakfast form
Thank you.
Best wishes,
Mrs Seymour