
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Free trial sessions of Yoga and Cricket Club

At lunchtime children in years 3-4 (1pm) and 5-6 (1.30pm) are invited to try out yoga, children to tell their Teachers to be put down on the first come first served free trial list. There is only room for 15 children per session.


After school at 3.15-4.15pm children in years 2-3 are invited to try out cricket children to tell their Teachers to be put down on the first come first served free trial list. There is only room for 30 children.


This is to see if they would like to join the after school clubs that will be running after half term.  A form will be sent out via parent mail where places can be booked and payments made.
