
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

End of term news

Dear Parents/Carers,


As the Summer Term has come to an end, I wanted to email and celebrate the unbelievable year that we have had. I know that I’ve said it before, but our children are part of history! I’m sure when they are in their 80s, school children will be interviewing them for their projects on the Coronavirus pandemic!


We have all had to change so much about the way we live, but I believe that our children have been hit the hardest. I hope that the vaccination program will help us all get back to normal as quickly as possible so that they can get back to the childhood they all deserve.


They have been incredible throughout this school year. They have put up with being in bubbles, not mixing with friends in other year groups, no access to swimming or clubs, bubbles closing and home school, staggered finish times and collections from all sorts of different places around school! They have taken all this in their stride, and shown positivity and resilience in the face of all difficulties. They are genuinely a joy to be around.


That being said, not all of our children have found this year easy to get through (understandably so), but we are here to hold them all up whether they are ok or not, through the good days and, most especially, the not so good days.


All the staff deserve such high praise for how they have adapted this year. I cannot tell you how much goes on behind the scenes, but I can tell you how well they handle it. Every single member of staff, without exception, has had to take on something that they would not normally have to deal with or adapt and go even more above and beyond than they normally would. And they have just gone on and done it; whatever they have been asked to do; in whatever way they can help.


I also want to thank you- the parents. Thank you for being supportive and understanding and putting faith in me and all of us here that we’ll do the right thing and get the children through. Many of you will have been disappointed that the year has had to look different to ‘normal’ but you’ve been right there with us, sending in messages of support, understanding, kindness and appreciation. This really means a lot. I would like to send a big and much appreciated thank you from all the staff, for the gifts and kind words received to mark the end of the year.


Positive changes are ahead, and I hope that we can continue in the way that we have this year; side by side and working in partnership for our children.



The DfE has launched an information site for parents. Find out more about what is on offer to help your academic catch-up and physical, social and mental wellbeing:



From Monday 19 July 2021, education and childcare settings are no longer expected to carry out routine contact tracing. Instead, NHS Test and Trace will work to identify close contacts - either directly with the positive case or with parents, carers or guardians if a child is the positive case. Only confirmed Covid-19 cases and their household contacts (plus any other close contacts identified by NHS Test and Trace) will need to isolate for 10 days from the date of the contact.


As of 19th July, there will no longer be any requirement to contact trace in schools or to isolate bubbles.


This guidance will inevitably be reviewed in September, but as it stands, this would mean that schools can go back to almost normal operations: bubbles can mix again, and will not have to close. Hopefully this will mean an end to sending classes home at short notice- a relief for parents, children and staff!!


We will still maintain our system of controls- so hand washing, sanitizer, enhanced cleaning, etc will continue. This will help minimise the spread of other common winter illnesses too.



Monday 6th September: children back to school.

Monday 25th October: Half term starts

Friday 29th October: Half term ends

Friday 5th November: Teacher training day

Friday 17th December at noon: Term ends


I hope you all have a lovely break with your children, and I look forward to seeing you all in September.


Best wishes,

Mrs Seymour
