
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Coronavirus Plan


In line with the recommendation from the Department for Education and Public Health England the School has developed the following plan:

The aim of the plan is to: -

• put in place robust systems and procedures to respond to a pandemic and minimise the impact on both staff and children

• develop measures to help maintain essential services and cope with the additional burden a pandemic will place on the school

• help to maintain the health and safety of all staff and pupils

• help to maintain a healthy environment for both staff and pupils

• inform parents/carers of new information in a timely manner

Possible Reasons for Full or Partial Closure

  • Directive from the Government (Ministerial Order)
  • Directive from the Local Authority or Health Authority
  • Case reported at school (pupil or staff member) in consultation with Public Health England
  • High staff absence due to them being unwell themselves or having to care for dependants (Headteacher to take the decision to close)


Parents/Carers will be provided with up to date information through ParentMail, and on our website-

It is important for parents/carers to ensure that if their children are displaying symptoms, that they keep their child at home and that they inform the school. Government guidelines must be followed, based on the Government Action Plan stage.

Staff will be notified by emergency meetings and through ParentMail.


If you do not have access to a tablet/ laptop or computer, please let us know so that we can arrange for paper-based work to be sent to you.

Infection Control

How we can minimise the spread of infection:

  • Children will be encouraged to use a tissue to cough or sneeze into, then throw it in the bin and then wash their hands.
  • The message of Catch it, Bin it, Kill it will be highlighted in school.
  • Children will be encouraged to wash their hands regularly, especially after sneezing, coughing, going to the toilet, or before eating.
  • School will ensure that these messages are given a high profile, by demonstrating, reminding and highly visible posters.
  • The school will also ensure that soap dispensers are regularly topped up and staff are highly vigilant.

Parents/Carers need to inform the school as soon as possible about the reason for their child’s absence. Children displaying symptoms should stay at home.

All children who have visited an at risk area are to inform the school ASAP, so that the school can see what the appropriate action should be.

You should think carefully about whether or not to travel abroad.

  • If told to self-isolate they must follow this instruction/directive, taking advice from NHS 111
  • If a child falls ill at school parents/carers are expected to collect them within the hour

Cleaning Arrangements

  1. All surfaces are cleaned and sanitised daily using an antibacterial solution
  2. Toilets and surrounding areas such as door handles and light switches cleaned and sanitised, using antibacterial solution daily
  3. Potentially infected waste (tissues) to be tied up and disposed of each day
  4. Soap dispensers are always full and in plentiful supply in all adult and child toilets, and washing areas
  5. Disposable paper towels are readily available and replenished daily


We use PSHE lessons and Assemblies to inform children about the importance of good hand washing habits and the importance of using a tissue to sneeze into. We also use modelling, demonstrating, posters and give regular reminders to reinforce these messages.

Possible Scenarios for St John’s CE School:

Full Closure – this would be under Government advice.

During this time, we will be setting daily work:

  • Our Reception children will be issued with reading books and sounds to learn and apply. They will be set with a weekly Maths, English and Topic challenge which will be issued through Parent Mail and the website.
  • Years 1-6 will be set work through ParentMail and the website.
  • The children will be set daily Maths and English work, as well as some kind of topic work each week.
  • They can submit their work which will be marked/assessed by teachers remotely.

The exception to this is if teachers themselves are too unwell to carry out these tasks.

Partial Closure of school – This would happen due to the following:

• High number of staff absence – teaching and non-teaching

• A suspected outbreak if advised by Public Health England or the local authority.

Closure of Breakfast Club

This would happen if we had insufficient staff to supervise.

Please note this plan may be updated in-light of any new instructions/guidance issued

I will keep you informed of any developments as soon as I am made aware of any.

Thanks and best wishes,

Mrs Seymour
