
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Closure on 20th March

Dear Parents,


This has been one of the most challenging weeks of my career. Like the rest of you, a couple of weeks ago, I could not have imagined the school closing and the children and staff of St John's being sent home to try and keep safe from a virus. It seems as if we are living in a movie.


I have spent all day telling the children, the staff and some of you, that this won't last forever: that we will all be back together in a while. Although none of us know how the next few weeks are going to go, we do know that there will be an end to this situation at some point, and that eventually school will reopen.


Mrs Hedges told the children today that although we are not together, we are still the St John's family. I want you to know that this is true: children will hear from their teachers (either by phone or via email/ Teams) over the coming weeks, and I will be emailing you all regularly to keep you up to date with what is going on, and just to keep connected throughout this difficult time.


The staff of St John's are committed to serving the community, and we will try our best to do this, even when we are not seeing each other every day. I will miss you all, and all of your children. I will miss the buzz around school and the atmosphere of learning and love that we feel each day. St John's is a special place to be, and I felt sad when I waved the children off home today. I know many of them, and you, felt the same. I pray that all of you will stay well and that God will protect us throughout the next few months.


If you phone school during the next few weeks, somebody will pick up your messages. If you email someone will read it and forward it to the appropriate person. The building is closed, but St John's is still here for you, and we will do our very best to support you and each other through this time.

The website will be updated by staff each week. Twitter is also a great place to keep up with St John's. Today, two of our Year 5 children tweeted some brilliant footage of children singing together. It's really moving to watch:


If you are a critical worker and have registered an interest in childcare, we will contact you on Monday to let you know what we are going to provide. It will start on Tuesday.

Best wishes to you all,

Mrs Seymour
