"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
Following my previous email, I'm afraid to say that I have been told that I do have to close a class. Thankfully, because of our efforts to keep children in their classes as much as possible, I do not need to close the whole Year 2 bubble- just one class within it.
2F can come back into school on Friday 9th July- unless I am told differently after Public Health have reviewed the information I have given them.
This means that children in 2F should not leave the house until next Friday. The rest of the household can carry on as usual, so siblings can come to school and parents can go to work (as long as you can find child care).
I have to ask you to please be responsible and do the right thing.
- Do not send your child to school if they are ill- and please consider sore throat, runny nose and headache as symptoms of the Delta variant in children.
- Do take your child for a PCR test if we ask you to. Results come back quickly. Lateral Flow Tests do not work if you have symptoms.
- Your whole household should isolate if somebody you live with has symptoms. Once their results come back negative, you can go back to normal.
- Please tell us immediately if your child tests positive. This means we can act quickly to protect everyone else.
I am very aware that the Summer holidays are fast approaching, and so is Eid. This is a very bad time for us to be spreading Covid. Please take this advice seriously.
Best wishes,
Mrs Seymour