
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Christingle Competition

On Sunday 13th December, St John's church will be holding an online Christingle service. The church will send us a link next week and you and your family are welcome to sign in and join the service.

At this time of year we are usually making over a hundred Christingles to give out in the service. As we can't, we are launching a 'make your own Christingle' competition. On Monday we are going to learn all about what the Christingle means to Christians. I know some children are keen to get started on making something and want to do it this weekend. I have put a video link here so they know a bit more about what a Christingle is and what it looks like:

Children can:

  • Colour in a Christingle - I have attached a sheet. The orange can be decorated however you want, it doesn't have to be orange!
  • Make a collage - stick lots of things onto the Christingle picture
  • Make a real Christingle with an orange, a candle, red ribbon and 4 sticks with fruit/sweets on
  • Use any other things to make a 3D Christingle: sew it, use clay, origami, junk modelling, playdough...the children have such creative ideas we know they will think of something new to do!

All entries will be put on the school website so you can see the amazing things that the children of St John's create.

Entries need to be in by Friday 12th December so that they can also be shared at the St John's Service. Children can either bring to school and take to their classrooms (not the office please) or, take a photo and email it to
