
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Children and Domestic Abuse

Dear Parents/ Carers,


Domestic Abuse:

I was at a headteachers' briefing yesterday and a police officer spoke about a 60% rise in Domestic Abuse over the last 6 months. This is largely against women, but men can also be victims.


Many people don't realise the effect that living in a house with an abusive parent can have on a child. People think that as long as the child doesn't get hurt, there is no impact on them. Sadly, this is not the case. Living in a house with Domestic Abuse leaves children with a host of problems, including behaviour difficulties, anxiety, depression, friendship problems, low self-esteem, and general ill-health.


At St John's, we teach children to treat others with respect and kindness. Children who hurt others are spoken to and given a consequence. We do not tolerate abusive behaviour. However, statistics about the number of children that go home and see one of their parents abusing the other are frightening.


  • On average the police in England and Wales receive over 100 calls relating to domestic abuse every hour. (HMIC, 2015)
  • 20% of children in the UK have lived with an adult perpetrating domestic violence (NSPCC 2011) 20% is 1 in 5.

When children see a parent being shouted at, humiliated or physically hurt, it damages them. In fact, abusing someone when you have children in the house, is actually a form of child abuse.


If you are the victim of domestic abuse, please get help. There are links to people who will help you at the bottom of this email.


St John's is a Church School and we believe that everyone is loved by God. That means it is our duty to care for everyone. If you are frightened at home and don't know who to talk to, then talk to us. We have lots of experience in supporting parents through escaping Domestic Abuse.


Please watch this video from the Bahu Trust which shows that domestic abuse can be in many forms- including adult children on their parents.


Best wishes,

Mrs Seymour



National Domestic Abuse Helpline (24 hours every day): 0808 2000 247
