"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
I hope this email finds you safe and well.
The new half term has started well, with all of us at St John's finally enjoying some dry, sunny weather. Here are a few notices:
1. Sun glasses
Our playgrounds are concrete and reflect the sun. If you would like your child to wear sunglasses to protect their eyes, please send them in with their name on. They will need to have UV protection. NO NOVELTY GLASSES PLEASE.
2. Sun hats
There is very little shade on our playgrounds. On very sunny days, we will bring the children inside so that they do not stay out for too long. However, sending them with a named sun hat is also a good idea.
3. PE Kit
Please remember that children should be wearing PLAIN black or navy joggers/ leggings or royal blue shorts, and a light blue t-shirt.
4. Uniform
Children need to be wearing a tie and black SHOES (no trainers) please.
If your child wears a summer dress, they should wear blue, white or grey socks or tights. NO LEGGINGS please.
5. Behaviour
I have spoken to all the children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 this morning to remind them about our strict behaviour policy. Lockdown has had a negative impact on some of our children. Some of them have forgotten how to behave in school, some have been playing violent video games and others are just very anxious. The result has been an increase in the number of behaviour incidents that we are dealing with.
I have been very clear with the children, that staff will not tolerate:
- swearing
- any violent behaviour that hurts another person
- rude or disrespectful behaviour
I have explained to the children that they will not be allowed to go out to play with their friends if they behave in this way. They will stay inside and do work. We may phone home to inform you about your child's behaviour as I think it is really important for us to be transparent with you We would really appreciate your support if we phone you, as children need to know that all the adults in their life want the best for them. We have very high standards for our children, and I am determined that behaviour will continue to be a strength of our school.
Please support us with this by talking to your children about how to behave, and in particular how to take responsibility for themselves when they have done the wrong thing, rather than blaming others and making excuses.
Thank you.
Best wishes,
Mrs Seymour