
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

28.6.20 Headteacher Update

Dear Parents,

I hope you are all safe and well.

I thought I would send you an update as to what's going on at St John's over the next week.

From this Monday, we will have children from Reception, Year 1, Year 5 and Year 6 in school in small bubbles; alongside our children in key worker provision. We are working hard to ensure the children and staff are as safe as possible. If your child is coming in, you will have been given instructions about what entrance to use. Please stick to these instructions, otherwise we cannot guarantee the safety of those on site.

The staff are continuing to set work for the children working from home, who are still the vast majority of the school, are call your children at home.

We have been working hard on how to make the transition smooth for children when they change classes in September and I will send some details out about this later in the week. We have got a few ideas about how to ensure children get to know their new teacher and classroom before they move up as this really helps them to feel confident about coming back. Keep your eyes open for an email later this week!

Best wishes,

Mrs Seymour
