
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Staff List 2021-22

Dear Parents/ Carers,


This can be a stressful time of year for children who might be worrying about who their teacher will be next year. We are hoping that most classes will be able to spend some time with their new teacher this week, although classes that are isolating will have to wait a while.


Please note that the list below does NOT have all the staff on it: just the staff that are teaching a class.


Here is a list of the classes and who their new teachers will be:


Teachers for Academic Year 2021-22.


Teachers: Miss Benton & Mrs Smith,

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Ellahi and Mrs Ibbetson



Teachers: Miss Abernethy (RA) and Miss Hobbs (RH)

Teaching Assistants: Ms Fleming and Mrs Beasmore


Year 1:

RH will become 1S with Miss O’Sullivan

RA will become 1N with Miss Cowan (4 days) and Mrs Jones (1 day)

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Price & Miss Ahmed


Year 2:

1S will become 2P with Miss Poole

1N will become 2B with Mrs Bata

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Masani & Miss Brittle


Year 3:

2F will become 3M with Mrs Marakova

2B will become 3B with Mrs Begum

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Shah


Year 4:

3S will become 4K with Miss King

3HE will become 4C with Mr Collet

Teaching Assistant: Miss Kaur


Year 5:

4A will become 5HE with Mrs Hudson-Evans (4 days) and Ms Lyne (1 day)

4F will become 5L with Mr Ludlow

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Rafaqat


Year 6:

5L will become 6A with Mrs Akhtar

5K will become 6L with Mrs Large (4 days) and Mrs Wale (1 day)

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hussain


Hub Provision:

Miss Black

Mrs Hunt

Mrs Atkins (SENDCo and AHT)


Mrs Wale and Ms Lyne will be running booster and catch-up provision across the school.


We are sadly losing some of our staff this year, who are moving on to bigger and better things. We wish them the very best of luck in their new ventures, and thank them for their years of support and hard work.

Miss Kirk is leaving St John’s to pursue her passion- teaching in a SEND school - and Mrs Zakers is retiring and looking forward to spending more time with her family. Mrs Andrews, our Data Manager, is retiring to Northumberland.


Best wishes,

Mrs Seymour

