
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10


If you are isolating, please email or call the school and then your teacher will email you with some home learning to do. 


phone: 0121 675 1469

Go to the download below to view your homework for this half-term. 

Reading Planet.

Hi Year 4. Many of you are now reading the books assigned to you in reading planet but very few of you are completing the end of book quiz. You must do this so that it records how well you understood the book in the achievements section. If you are not sure how to access the quiz then watch this video:

The centre ID for Reading Planet is: 199591

Home learning week beginning 19/10/20


Black History Day - Wednesday 21/10/20

On Wednesday we will be celebrating black history at St John's. We will learn why and how it is celebrated and also explore some significant figures from Britain, and across the world, who have had a big impact on the lives of many people. In year 4, as we have been learning all about the Romans and Anglo-Saxons, we will be looking at the first black Roman Emperor Septimius Severus. We will create our own fact files about him and also look at some poetry and produce some art work all about our identities.



Monday 19/10/20 - subtracting two 3-digit numbers with no exchanges.

Today we are going to move onto subtracting two 3-digit numbers where no exchanges are needed. What does that mean? It means that the digits being subtracted are smaller than the digits they are being subtracted from so no exchange is required. Watch this video and then complete worksheet 1:

Worksheet 1:


Tuesday 20/10/20 - subtracting two 4-digit numbers with no exchanges.

Like yesterday, we are going to subtract numbers where there is no need for any exchanging to take place. The focus is two 4-digit numbers. Watch the following video and then have a go at the worksheet below:

Worksheet 2:


Wednesday 21/10/20 - Subtract a 3-digit number from a 3-digit number with exchange.

What happens when the digit we are subtracting is bigger than the digit it is subtracted from? You have to exchange from the next place value column to create a bigger number. It is not as tricky as it sounds, so watch this video and see how it is done. Complete worksheet 3 to show you understand:

Worksheet 3:


Thursday 22/10/20 - Subtract a 4-digit number from a 4-digit number with one exchange.

Subtracting 4-digit numbers is exactly the same as subtracting 3-digit numbers except you now also have a digit in the 1000’s column. Have a go at the following worksheet once you have watched this video:

Worksheet 4:


Friday 23/10/20 - Subtract a 4-digit number from a 4-digit number with more than one exchange.

Sometimes you will need to exchanges multiple times to complete a subtraction calculation, recognising which columns will have exchanges will help you avoid any errors. Watch this video and complete this week’s final worksheet:

Worksheet 5:



This week we are launching into our new topic all about becoming junior medics! This means we are going to start learning about how our bodies function and what we need to do to keep them healthy.


Watch this video all about digestion. 

Today I want you to rewrite the stages of digestion into numbered steps, this will help you when it comes to the next lesson, I'll start you off with number 1 below...


1. The person eats some food, the teeth grind and slice the food down into smaller chunks which mix with saliva to make them easier to swallow. 



Today we are looking at time adverbials. Follow this link and complete the activity to find all the time words



Your task for today is to write an explanation of digestion. You need to remember that this is a piece of writing to inform so make sure your steps are super clear. Your time adverbials from yesterday will be essential to make sure that everything is in the right order and you can use the numbered list you wrote on Monday to help. 


Here is an example of a really well written explanation, you can use it to help give you some ideas of where to start




Below you will find the links to two videos all about the different food groups.


Once you have watched both, make a poster showing what the food groups are and examples of food in each one.



The last few months have been particularly testing times for everyone, and in our busy lives we sometimes forget to show our gratitude for having some of our most basic needs met. Over the half-term holiday, we would like you to write your own prayer, thanking God for all that you have. This could be as simple as thanking God for keeping you and your family safe from the virus or praying for the health and welfare of all mankind. You can also write about your hopes and dreams for the future. Write your prayer on an A5 piece of paper and bring it in to share when we come back in November. We look forward to reading them in class.



Please make sure that your parents have tested you on last week’s spellings. This week’s spellings are below, using your spelling strategies learn them for when we get back along with any others from previous weeks you struggled with (they are all still available on the learning links from the start of term).

                                        library, material, medicine, mention, minute and naughty


No Nonsense Spellings:

This week we are going to learn how to proofread our own work. When we proofread, we try to identify errors that have been made in our writing, which could be in the form of spelling mistakes, missed punctuation or grammatical errors such as tenses. Being able to edit and improve your own work is an important skill and can make your writing so much better. Have a go at editing this piece of writing (I have done the first one for you to show you how to complete it) and save it your pupil file for us to check:



Recognise our worth by identifying positive things about ourselves and things that we are proud of.

For PHSE this week, we would like you to make a list of all the things that you are proud of this term (at least 3). For example, you may be feeling very happy with your efforts and achievements in Maths, English and reading or for being Star of the Week. You may have also been working really hard on managing your behaviour at home and school or learnt a new skill and made new friends. Think about how you got there and how it has made you feel. Then write a list of what you would like to achieve by Christmas and how you think you could get there. Remember, anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

Home Learning wb: 12/10/20




Monday 12/10/20: Add two 3-digit numbers – not crossing 10 or 100.

This week we are moving on to adding 3 and 4-digit numbers. Today the focus is on adding two 3-digit numbers where there are no exchanges (carries). Using our previous knowledge and learning on single place value additions, you will see that only the digit being added to will change. Watch this video and complete the worksheet below:

Worksheet 1:


Tuesday 13/10/20: Add two 4-digit numbers – no exchange.

Yesterday, we added two 3-digit numbers with no exchanges (carries), and today we will do the same but with 4-digit numbers. Remember, when there are no exchanges in a calculation, the digits in each place value column can change but do not crossover into the any of digits in other columns. Watch the following video and complete the worksheet below:

Worksheet 2:


Wednesday 14/10/20: Add two 3-digit numbers – crossing 10 or 100.

So far this week, we have added 3 and 4-digit numbers with no exchanges. What happens when there are? When a digit crosses the place value boundary, because it has more than 9 of that value, more than one of the digits in the number will change. Take a look at this video to see how this is done and why the numbers change and then complete worksheet 3:

Worksheet 3:


Thursday 15/10/20: Add two 4-digit numbers – one exchange.

Continuing with our learning on addition, we will move on to adding two 4-digit numbers with exchanges. As we saw yesterday, when adding a single place value digit crosses (carries) over into the next column more than one of the digits changes. Today we will extend this the 1000’s digit. Watch this video and then complete the following worksheet:

Worksheet 4:


Friday 16/10/20: Add two 4-digit numbers – more than one exchange.

Now that you have added numbers with one exchange, you are going to move on to calculations with two carries (crossovers). It is not as tricky as it sounds because you just do what you have done for the previous addition calculations for one exchange. Watch this video and then complete the last worksheet for this week:

Worksheet 5:



This week we are going to look at the Muslim's holy book - the Qu’ran. We will explore why it is so sacred in the religion of Islam and identify some the practices that are followed when reciting or touching the passages. Watch the following video and then complete the following questions:

The Qu'ran is....

It is written in...

To treat it with respect, we should…



Make sure that your parents have tested you on last week’s spellings and practice any that you found tricky using your favourite spelling strategies. The spellings for this week are:   

                                    guard, guide, height, imagine, knowledge and cereal


In addition to using the strategies you already know, we would like you to try this one for this week’s spellings and any previous week’s spellings from the statutory year 3/4 spelling list. Write down the spelling and leave a blank in the spaces where there should have be a vowel (vowls are the letters a, e, i, o and u). For example if I was writing the word disappear it would look like this without the vowels  d_s_pp_ _r.

Spelling challenge - can you fill in the missing vowels and work out which words we have spelt here?


                        B_cycl_ .          C_rt_ _n.     Acc_d_nt.    F_v_ _r_te.  




In Computing we have been learning about why it is vital to keep safe online at all times. We would like you to create a poster, using the acronym S.M.A.R.T, to inform other children your age. Watch the videos again to remind yourself what each of the letters in the acronym stands for, and then save your creation to your BGFL file for us to look at:



Home Learning wb 05/10/20



Look at this page to remind yourself about verbs and what they are. 

Now read through this passage. Make a list of all the verbs you find. Once you think you have found all the verbs go through and find the adverbs. Remember an adverb describes a verb for example running QUICKLY or sitting QUIETLY.


Nearby there lived a beast who lurked in the dark.
He was called Grendel, and was grand and gruesome.
Grendel abhorred Heorot (no one knows why);
one night he went to the hall, broke through a wall,
and found many men to feast on. Grendel growled
ferocious and loud, and his red eyes glared in the dark.
The noise awoke all who slept in the hall
and the knights were poised for battle. But the beast
Grendel showed his horrible teeth and grabbed
the first knight he found and gnashed him
with one big bite. The monster roared
and everyone ran, leaving Grendel loudly laughing
as he went back to his lair where he soundly slept.



Today we are moving onto nouns and adjectives which we can put together to build expanded noun phrases. Go to this website and watch the video to learn more about expanded noun phrases. You can then do the quiz. Once you've done this go to the worksheet below and complete it.

(You will need to scroll down to find it)



Today we are carrying on our expanded noun phrases but this time to use with our own writing about Beowulf. Below you will find some bits of sentences. It is your job to fill in the blanks to create some brilliant expanded noun phrases.


The               ,                 monster with                  ,                  teeth

The               ,                    hall with                  .               walls   

The                   ,                    lake with                ,                water

The                    ,                      Beowulf with his                ,              sword


Now you have done that we are going to build them into a whole sentence by adding a verb. This will tell us whatever your noun is doing and make your phrase into a sentence. 

For example:

The terrifying, gruesome monster with glistening, sharp teeth burst through the door.

Now finish your noun phrases by adding the action onto the end.



Today I want you to design your very own monster! Think about what your monster looks like, sounds like, where did it come from? How does it fight? What is it's name?


Once you have thought of the answers to these draw your monster onto paper and label it.



Write a description of your monster using expanded noun phrases. Here is an example that could help you 




Have a look at Anglo Saxon jewellery here: make sure you click on the little yellow camera to see the rest of the pictures.


This week I want you to design and make your own Anglo Saxon brooch. Draw out your design first thinking about the sorts of patterns and colours they used. 

When you are making it you can use anything you can find, be as creative as you like! It could be made from paper, cereal boxes, anything you have around!



Monday 5/10/20

Counting on in 25’s. Today we are looking at the multiples of 25. Write down the first 12 multiples of 25, what do you notice? Can you see a pattern? How many 25’s are there in 200? Watch the following video and then complete the worksheet below:

Worksheet 1:


Tuesday 6/10/20

Introducing negative numbers. Numbers below 0 are known as negative numbers. You may have already seen them on a thermometer, but do you know what it means to have a negative number? Watch the video and have a go at some of the questions asked throughout it:


Wednesday 7/10/20

Negative numbers. Yesterday, you were introduced to the concept of negative numbers. In today’s lesson you will have a chance to apply that knowledge using real-life scenarios. Watch this second video and then have a go at the following worksheet:

Worksheet 2:


Thursday 8/10/10

Roman numerals. The number system we use today is called Base 10, but did you know that the Romans had their very own number system using letters? Today, we will look at what they represent and how they are used to create numbers. Watch this video and then complete the worksheet below:

Worksheet 3:



In RE this week we will be looking at the religion of Islam. We are going to explore how Muslims demonstrate commitment to their faith in many different ways? Watch this video:

Now complete the diagram on the link below to show how a Muslim man and woman dress to reflect belonging to their faith.



Make sure that your parents have tested you on last week’s spellings. This week’s spellings are: disappear, eight, eighth, experience, famous and favourite. Use your favourite spelling strategies to learn them and ask someone to test you at the end of the week.

This week we are also going to look at homophones: words that sound the same but are spelt differently and have different meanings. Look at the words below:

             peace, piece,  main, manefair, farebear, bareblew, blue

Each of the pairs of words are homophones, and as you can see it is very easy to get the mixed up when using them in your writing. Can you think of fun ways to remember the correct spelling for each word that will help you to remember how to spell the one that you want? For example, you can remember ‘there is a piece of pie in piece’ or ‘my bus fare will take me far’. Can you think of some of your own?

Home Learning wb 28/9/10


This week we are going to be retelling the story of Beowulf focusing on interesting verbs and fronted adverbials.

To revise the story you can watch it here:



Revise fronted adverbials here:,today'%20is%20a%20fronted%20adverbial. You can look at the information and play the games. Now rewrite these sentences with fronted adverbials.

                          , there lived a great king named Hrothgar.
                          , Hrothgar held his very first banquet.
                          ,Grendel crept across the squelching marshlands.
                          , Beowulf lunged forwards and grabbed Grendel's arm.
                          , Grendel staggered away leaving a trail of blood.


Verbs are actions. More powerful verbs can paint a picture for a reader and add much more impact to your writing. Here are some examples of simple verbs and some much more exciting examples:

1 Said Screamed, shouted, sobbed, talked, whispered, yawned, hummed
2 Walked Strolled, sauntered, trudged, wandered, zoomed, tip-toed, stumbled
3 Ate Gobbled, chomped, chewed, gulped, tasted, licked, munched, sucked
4 Saw Glanced, admired, envied, glimpsed, spied, examined, peeked
5 Looked Explored, thought, discussed, examined, researched, practised
6 Moved Bounced, danced, hopped, jumped, ran, skipped, dashed, crawled
7 Cried Bawled, blubbered, sobbed, trembled, sighed, wept, winced
8 Laughed Giggled, smiled, smirked, admired, grinned, guffawed
9 Found Located, unearthed, identified, collected, gathered
10 Ran

Jogged, pelted, raced, stumbled, staggered, swayed, galloped


Now rewrite these sentences with more powerful verbs.

1. "Tonight we feast!" said King Hrothgar.

2. As the warriors slept, Grendel walked across the dark, misty marshes.

3. With a huge boom Grendel opened the door and walked through.

4. Grendel picked up the warriors and killed them.

5. Beowulf went across the sea.

6. "I will defeat this monster for you" Beowulf said.

7. Beowulf held Grendel's arm and pulled. Grendel's arm fell off.

8. Grendel walked himself back to his watery cave and died.



Today I want you to write the first 2 paragraphs of your Beowulf story. 

Paragraph 1: Hrothgar builds a great hall and holds a feast to celebrate.

Paragraph 2: Grendel wakes up and goes to the castle to kill the sleeping warriors.



Work on your next 2 paragraphs today.

Paragraph 3: Beowulf hears about Grendel and decides to travel across the sea to Denmark. He promises to defeat the monster for Hrothgar.

Paragraph 4: Beowulf waits for night before battling Grendel.



Finish your final paragraph where Grendel is defeated and the warriors celebrate. 

Now look at your whole piece of writing and take some time to edit. Use this checklist to make sure your work is as ready as it can be.


1. Capital letters for names (Grendel, Beowulf, Hrothgar, Heorot)

2. Fronted adverbials, have you used the sentences you created on Monday?

3. Powerful verbs, have you used the verbs you came up with on Tuesday?

4. Spellings, do all your spellings make sense? If there are some you are really not sure about underline them or highlight them so I can see which ones you have tried on.



Use this website to find out some interesting facts about the Anglo Saxons! Focus on 3 of the areas and create a fact file on BGFL. 

For example you could focus on Gods, clothes and battles.


This week in maths we are moving onto adding and subtracting specific values from a 4-digit number. We are then going to learn how to compare and order these numbers using our knowledge of place value. Work through each day by watching the videos and completing the worksheet that goes with it. Remember to take a picture and email it to us if you are isolating at home.


Monday – 28/09/20

Finding 1, 10 and 100 more or less. Look at what happens to a number when you add or subtract from a specific place value – 1’s, 10’s and 100’s. What do you notice happens to your number? Is this always the case? Watch this video and find out then complete the worksheet below:

Worksheet 1:


Tuesday – 29/09/20

1000 more or less. Yesterday, we looked at what happens if we add or subtract 1’s, 10’s and 100’s from a number, and today we will focus on 1000’s. Watch this video and have a go at the practice questions before completing the worksheet below:

Worksheet 2:


Wednesday – 30/09/20

Comparing 4-digit numbers. Today you will learn how to compare numbers using the more then less than signs. Firstly, we will need to look at the number of digits in a given number and see if that helps us. Then, we will learn why it is important to look at the place value of the digits that follow when there are numbers with the same amount of digits in them. Watch this video and complete the following worksheet:

Worksheet 3;


Thursday – 1/10/20

Order numbers. Using our place value knowledge and recognising how to compare numbers helps us put a list of numbers into order from biggest to smallest (ascending) or smallest to biggest (descending). It is important to look at the place value of other digits too when some of the digits within the number are the same. Watch this video and complete the worksheet that is below:

Worksheet 4:


Friday 2/09/20

Round numbers to the nearest 1000. Last week, we looked at how to round numbers to the nearest 10 and 100 using the rounding rhyme and our understanding of multiples of each. Today, we are going to round to the nearest 1000’s using the same method. Watch this video and complete the worksheet when you have finished:

Worksheet 5:



Last week we learnt about some of the objects and symbols used by the Jewish people and how they show their commitment to their faith through them. In R.E this week we are going to make our own Mezuzah boxes, which are very important to Jews as they hold a very special prayer/blessing in them. Watch this video about them and see if you can create your own box:

Click on this link to get your own Mezuzah box template – print it off and make it:



Make sure that someone at home has tested you on your spellings for last week and practice any that you got wrong using your favourite spelling strategies.

This week’s spellings are: business, caught, centre, century, certain and circle. Practice these this week and get someone to test you.


Spelling rules: apostrophes for singular and plural possession.

Most of you know how to use an apostrophe to show contractions so this week are looking at apostrophes for showing possession. When something belongs to someone or something (singular possession) we show this in our writing by adding an apostrophe and an s after the noun – Jack’s shoes. This tells us that the shoes belong to Jack: they are his shoes. What happens if there is plural possession (more than one person or thing). Watch this video and then write a few sentences about some objects that belong to family members using the apostrophe for possession:


Everyday Essentials

The biggest difference that you can make to your learning is reading! You must be reading at least 10 minutes a day to get your speed, understanding and vocabulary up. You should have a book corner book and reading planet at home but you can read anything else as well.

Times table rockstars, the biggest impact has been proven by playing just 10 minutes everyday!


Hello Year 4!

If you are at home this week (starting Monday 21st) then here is all your home learning this week. Make sure you check what you need to do each day.




Watch the first part of "Beowulf" an Anglo-Saxon story about a great hero and a terrifying monster. Then answer these questions.

1) What country is the story set?

2) What is the name of the king?

3) Is he a good king? How do we know this?

4) How long did the hall take to build?

5) What was the great hall called?

6) What is the name of the monster?

7) Why do you think the monster was angry?

8) How would you describe Beowulf?

9) How do you think Beowulf was feeling when he set sail on his boat?



Watch the second part of "Beowulf".

When Beowulf gets the Heorot he is amazed by the incredible hall but then he sees the splinters and scars around the door.

Imagine you are Beowulf approaching the incredible hall. Write a paragraph to describe what Beowulf saw when he approached the hall and then what he noticed as he got nearer...


Try to include this vocabulary:


splintered      scarred      majestic      towering         ancient         generations         slaughtered       gaped



This is a picture of what some people believe Heorot to look like.



This is some word art made using adjectives that could describe a castle.


Today, make your own word art using adjectives that could describe Heorot. 


Thursday and Friday

Make a picture map of the story of Beowulf. This means drawing out all the steps of the story in the right order. You can label it with important information like names and descriptions. This will help you when it comes to doing your writing.



Find out about the Anglo-Saxons by watching the first video here,the%20Saxons%20and%20the%20Jutes.

Find the answers to these questions:

1) When was the Anglo-Saxon age?

2) Where did they come from?

3) Who were the biggest tribes?

4) What jobs did they tend to have?

5) What did Anglo-Saxons make?

6) What Anglo-Saxon words do we still use?


Create a poster with writing showing what you have learnt about the Anglo-Saxons so far.



In Maths this week, we are continuing with our work on place value. Watch the video that goes with each day’s learning and then complete the worksheets that go with it.

Monday 21/09/20

Today we are moving on to 1000’s, which is represented by the first digit in any 4-digit number (2645). Watch this video and then complete the worksheet below:

Worksheet 1:

Tuesday 22/09/20:

In today’s lesson, we would like you to think of as many different ways of representing numbers to 10,000. Remember you can use all of the different ways we looked when building our numbers last week: partitioning, whole-part model, expanded form, base 10 and place value coins. On a piece of paper draw a table like this and write or draw as many different ways of representing the following numbers:



Representation 1

Representation 2

Representation 3

Representation 4

Representation 5


9000 +400 + 50 + 5






























Wednesday 23/09/20:

The place value grid shows how numbers are 10 times bigger as they move up the grid. The grid helps us to recognise the value of each digit in a number so it is important that we know the order of the grid well. Reading the number out will also help you recognise the value of each of the digits in a number.

  Thousand (Th)

 Hundreds (H)

   Tens (T)

  Ones (O)






Watch this video and then complete the worksheet below

Worksheet 2:


Thursday 24/09/20

Partitioning 4-digit numbers is today’s focus. We can use our knowledge of equivalents to help us do this, for example we know that 10 lots of 1 make 10 and 10 lots 10 is equal to 100. How many lots of 100 will make up 1000 then?

Watch this video and then complete the worksheet that is below:

Worksheet 3:


Friday 25/09/20

Today we are going to use the number line to place numbers up to 10,000. Working out the value of the intervals on a number line can help us do this so we need to work out the difference between the starting and ending numbers to be able to do this. Remember to identify half way and other land mark numbers so that you are more accurate.

Watch this video and complete the last worksheet for this week:

Worksheet 4:


RE: Belonging

Last week we looked at how Sikhs show commitment to their faith through the 5k’s. This week we are looking at the Jewish faith. Watch the following video on Espresso and find out all about the following symbols/items and their significance to Jews: 

Do some of your own research and find out what the following items are too.





Spellings W/B 21/09/20

This week’s spellings are: accident, accidentally, actual, actually, believe, bicycle.

Use your favourite spelling strategies to help learn these and ask your parents to test you at the end of the week.

Word endings with the trigraph ure (3 letters that make one sound). Listen to the sound ure makes by saying the sentence ‘sure it’s pure’.

Now look at some of the words that end in this way: measure, treasure, pleasure, enclosure and closure. What is common about all these words? They all end with the word sure! Practice these words and see if you can spot any other common sounds in them.






Week beginning 14/09/20

Hello year 4!

We know it can get quite boring being stuck inside and it is so important to keep up the amazing learning you've been doing this year so here you can find your home learning for this week if you can't come into school. 


Remember: You also need to do your TT Rockstars, Spelling Frame and Reading Planet everyday!



Complete one lesson each day


Watch the first video from this link:

and then complete the worksheet that goes with it, if you can save it in your file or write your answers on a piece of paper or email it in to us remember to number each question:

Worksheet link:



Today we are looking at 100's, 10's and 1's and the different ways a number can represented using expanded form and the whole-part model. Watch this video and then have a go at this worksheet:



In Maths today we are looking at number lines up to 1000, working out how to place numbers on using the information given. Watch this video and then complete the worksheet below: 

Worksheet for number lines:



Listen to this song to learn all about rounding and the importance of knowing your place values:

Now, watch this video to see how we round a number to the nearest 10 and then complete the worksheet below:

Worksheet for rounding to 10 :



Yesterday we looked at how to round to the nearest 10, today we are going to round to the nearest 100. Watch this video and complete the worksheet that follows:

Worksheet for rounding to the nearest 100's:



This week in school we are learning all about the end of the Roman Empire in Britain and the people who followed after...the Anglo Saxons! Work through these activities to keep up to date with our school learning.



This is part of a poem that was written about the last days of Roman Britain, you can read it below and listen to it here


Wondrous is this stone-wall, wrecked by fate;

the city-buildings crumble, the works of the giants fall.

Roofs have caved in, towers collapsed,

barred gates are broken, hoar frost clings to stone,

houses are gaping, tottering and fallen, eaten away by age.

The earth’s embrace, its fierce grip, holds the mighty craftsmen;

they are dead and gone.

A hundred generations have passed away since then.

This wall, grey with lichen and red of stone,

outlives kingdom after kingdom,

stood against storms;

its tall gate fallen.


Work through these activities:

  • Find all the verbs and nouns? Put verbs in one colour and nouns in another.
  • Draw what you think this poem is describing, what picture does it paint in your head?
  • Use cobuild online dictionary to find the meanings of these words: wondrous, tottering, generations, gaped. Now write them into your own sentences.



We are thinking about how different faiths show they belong by what they wear, do and believe. This week we are looking at ways in which Sikhs show belonging through the 5Ks. 

What are the 5Ks? Create a poster or piece of writing explaining what they are and what they mean. You can do this on BGFL or on paper. You can take a picture and email it to your teacher or send it on Teams. 


Use this video to help:



Week beginning 07/09/20


Hello year 4!

Here are some things for you to do if you are at home.




Watch one video per day and pause when you need to answer something. You can use paper if you need to practise some questions. 




Using the word DIFFERENT how many new words can you make? You can use the letters in any order.



This week we have been learning all about the Romans, looking in particular at the legionaries (Roman soldiers). Watch the videos below and  find out what life for a legionary was like. Write a short piece about the day in the life of a Roman soldier. Try and make it as interesting and accurate as possible. 





  • Identify the 12 core Christian values that represent the vision we have for our St John's community and why they are important. Can you define (explain) the meaning of each?

Other things you can do:

  • Keep reading! If you only do one thing, reading is the best thing to do. 
    • Read your books on Reading Planet.


  • Practice your times tables on TTRockstars.


  • Get ahead with your spelling. Download the Year 3/4 spelling words at the link below and practice them.




Friday 17th July

Good morning and welcome to the very last day of Year 4! Here are some things you need to know:


  • We are so, SO proud of you all! We have made a little video to say goodbye and tell you how amazing you are. You can watch it here
  • Teams will be turned off at 3:30 pm today, so you won't be able to message over the holidays.
  • We are not setting any work over the holidays. However, if you come to this page, you will find some helpful things you can do to get ready for Year 5, as well as some suggestions for things to do over the summer holidays. 


Here is your work for today.



Make sure your All About Me Book is finished and looking brilliant. If you need the videos to show you something, just scroll down and find them on Wednesday's work.



Find the file called Friday 17th July Spelling and complete the work, then ask  your adult to test you on the words. 



We're looking at symmetry again today. Click this link:

Take the quiz, watch the video, then do the activities that look like this: 



Today we will be making a comic strip all about the moon landing. Yesterday you should have answered some questions to make sure you've got all the information about what actually happened. If you missed that or want to watch it again you can here (just scroll down to find the video).


A comic strip tells a story by using 4 different types of words and phrases:


  • Captions can be used to say where or when a part of the story is taking place.

  • Words that the characters say out loud should be in speech bubbles.

  • Words that the characters think should be in thought bubbles.

  • Comics often use onomatopoeia to show sound effects.
    For example: POW! BANG! BOOM!


You can draw your own boxes for your comic strip or use the template I have put in the downloads underneath.


Have a great day! And don't forget to watch our lovely video:


Have a FANTASTIC summer break everyone!!!

Downloads for your work

Monday 13th July

Good Morning Year 4! Welcome to the last week of term! Can you believe we've finally made it?!

You've been so brilliant all this time out of school, and we know you're going to go out with a bang and have yet another fantastic week.


Here are your jobs for today:


This will take you all week, so do a little bit each day.


You are going to use book creator to make an All About Me Book. So go onto book creator and sign in. 


If you don't know how to sign in, watch this video.


I have made an example book that you can copy if you want to (go to the three books button underneath and click copy) or you can make your own book. To help you, I have made some short videos that explain all about how to use book creator. 


Add and Change Text


Add Pictures


Take Photos and Add Videos


Change the Background


Use the Pens



Today we are going to be thinking about adverbs and fronted adverbials. You can remind yourself here

. Watch the video and complete Activity 1 (this should take you to a quiz on Oxford Owl).


Once you have done this and had a look at the information on the website, find the file called "Fronted Adverbials" on BGFL and follow the instructions on there.




Here are your spelling words for the week. Go to J2E5, find the file called Monday 13th July and follow the instructions. 


Today you're going to be doing a lesson about shapes. Start with the quiz, watch the video and then work through the activities. Don't forget to do the quiz at the end to see what you've learned!


Have a lovely day! Don't forget to come and talk to us on teams if you need any help. 






Friday 10th July


It is the end of yet another week and the penultimate (fancy word for one before the last) one before the Summer holidays.


Remember to check your transition book if you still haven't seen it. If you aren't sure what I mean you can check here and find all the link




This week we've been doing lots of work on angles. We have looked at right angles and obtuse and acute angles. Today you are going to use that knowledge to have a go at my spot the angle challenge! This big shape has loads of angles in it but can you find all the different types and label them?




We're writing the last part of our Zahra story today! Click the link for your instructions.


If you've missed any of the story or you'd like to catch up, here are all the links you will need.


Sign in to Book Creator:


Zahra Part 1:


Zahra Part 2:


Zahra Parts 3:


Zahra Part 4:


Zahra Part 5:




Today we are going to be using our imaginations and our reasoning skills. Below you will find a question. I want you to think carefully about the question, consider everything you know about dragons from different stories and everything you know about settlements from our topic lessons.


Write an explanation of your opinion focusing on the why.




Go onto files and find RE Poster. On there you can listen to your instructions to complete your task.



Downloads for your work

Thursday 9th July

Good Morning Year 4! Welcome to Thursday!


Make sure you have looked at your transition book to tell you all about Year 5.

You can find it at this link if you haven't seen it yet.


Here is your work for today.



Go to this link:

Do the quiz at the start to help recap your learning. 

Then watch the video and do the activities.

At the bottom of the page, you'll find this button. Click it to think about how you are feeling as you learn.



We're writing part 4 of our Zahra story.  Watch the youtube clip, then have a go on your own.


Remember -  you can still catch up if you want to have a go! Just watch the videos on our youtube page to help you log in.



We are going to be thinking about all the different ways we can look after the world around us and why religions believe it is so important. Go onto the file called "Looking after Creation". You can then listen to the instructions to find out what to do.



Download the wordsearch below to practice your spelling words. Then ask your adult to give you a test.


Have a great day! And don't forget to talk to us on teams if you need help. 


Wednesday 8th June


Hello everyone! 

We are already halfway through another week, time feels like it is flying by at the moment. I hope you're managing to stay busy and stay motivated because we love seeing your work and talking to you about what you've been doing on BGFL.




We're back to do part 3 of our Zahra story today. If you haven't started it so far, don't worry! You can still catch up. Making a book is really fun and I think you'll enjoy it! Go to the year 4 Youtube channel and find the videos that tell you how to log on. 


Here is the link for today. Watch the video, then write the next part of the story in your own words.





Go onto this link, start the lesson and watch the video 


Once you have done this feel free to have a go at the quiz afterwards and test yourself!


Then you need to sort these angles and write whether they are acute (A), obtuse (O), or right angle (R). You can just write the letter next to each angle.



We've got one more day of art today. I want you to think about what happens once the tree starts to grow in Zahra's story. It doesn't grow like a normal tree it becomes almost alive, full of colour and patterns. The same thing happens to the other plants and flowers that appear. If you've forgotten I've put the exact moment here.


The colours are so bright and colourful that they shine in the otherwise dry, hot colours around. Today you get to have some fun with your patterns and be creative with colour.


You can choose one part of the landscape here, it might be a flower, a tree or the plants growing up the rock. Draw your own version and fill it with designs and colour to show the hope and new life since the tree started to grow.


I know lots of you love to draw so feel free to go as big as you like you could draw the whole setting if you like! Full of nature alive with colour...


Here is a zoomed in version of some of the plants to give you some ideas of the sorts of patterns they use




Take a good, long look at this picture called "Special". Today we are going to be thinking deeply about what it means and especially what it means to us personally. Once you've looked have a go at the questions underneath.

  • Who are the people? What is their relationship?
  • Why are they here?
  • What are they doing? Why?
  • How are they feeling?
  • Why do people stargaze?
  • Why do you think Pascal Campion called this image ‘Special’?
  • What is special to you?
  • Write about a special moment you’ve shared with someone.


If you need any help you can always get hold of us on Teams so try your best and we can't wait to see your work!

Downloads for your work

Tuesday 7th July

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Here are your jobs for today:



Go to this link and watch the lesson on right angles.

Then click through the work. This is the main activity I would like you to do. You can have a go at the other ones if you want to, but you don't have to. 



You are going to write the second part of your Zahra story today on Book Creator.

If you can't remember how to sign in, or copy the book, look on our youtube channel for the video that tells you how.

This video tells you what I want you to do today. Please don't do anything else on there, or I will delete your book.



Yesterday you thought about the way colour can be important to show both temperature and feeling. Today you are going to be using colour to create a landscape picture. This means it is a picture of a place not a person. You are going to think about the story of Zahra: where does she live? What is it like there? How does Zahra feel? What does Zahra want? You then need to use those thoughts to decide on how you are going to do a landscape using colours. This is mine that I made using JIT5 on BGFL, you could use the same or you could make something with things you have at home. 


The most important thing is to consider the colour and texture of your art. Because you aren't putting any people in there the only way you can communicate her story is through your use of colour.



Find the file that says Monday 6th July Spelling in My Files and complete the activity. (I know it says the wrong date - sorry about that!)


Have a great day! And if you get stuck, come on teams and ask us for help.

Monday 6th July


Welcome to a brand new week! We hope you had a lovely weekend and are ready to get back to work...




Today you are going to be following this lesson on shape and angles. When you are ready click "start lesson" and follow the instructions. You will need to record your answers so make sure you have some paper handy or a screen on your computer so you can type them.


Once you've watched the video you need to use these arrows to get through the questions. Click ahead until you get to the pages called "Main Task". You don't need to do the shape naming starter. 




This week we're going to be writing our own version of the Zahra story that we watched last week using an app called Book Creator. There are lots of things to help you here:


Click this link to watch the video again and remind yourself of the story.


Log onto Book Creator here then watch this video on our youtube channel to see how to log in.

Next, watch Miss King's video, called Zahra Story Part 1, and then have a go at writing your own first section. 

In My Files, you will find a word bank called Zahra words that will help you with your writing.

I can't wait to see what you come up with!




This week (following a special request from 4A!) we will be doing some Art. To begin you are going to think about colour and how we can use it to send a message. 


Go onto files and find the one named "Colour sorting". Follow the instructions at the top. Make sure to press save afterwards so we can see what you have done. 




Take a good look at this picture. It is called "The Orator" make sure to look at all the details to try and infer the answers to the questions underneath.




  • Who is this?
  • What kind of character is he?
  • How do you think he speaks? Demonstrate his voice. Why did you do it like that?
  • Do you think this character is wealthy or poor? Why?
  • What is his job?
  • What is an orator?
  • Would you trust him?
  • Where is he? Why is he there?


As ever if you need any help then you can talk to us on Teams all day!

Friday 3rd June

Happy Friday everyone! We've made it to the end of another week. You've worked so hard and we are really proud of you.

Here is today's work.


Exercise: Go bananas for Friday!



Find Zahra Sentences on BGFL, My Files and follow the instructions.



Today I want you to create a poster persuading people to donate to Water Aid. Use all the techniques we have learnt about this week to make sure people know why it is so important. You should also think about a catchy slogan to help people remember.


On BGFL find the file called "Water Aid". This is a poster I have made already, feel free to use images and ideas from this to help you and to see what we expect. 



Have a go at this fun game to practice your 8 x table and division facts.

You can download the board underneath, as well if you want to.



Here are our spellings from this week. Use rainbow writing or pyramid words to practice them, and then ask your adult to test you and see how many you can get right. 

Have a lovely weekend - and try to do something fun!


Maths download

Thursday 2nd July

Good morning everyone! It hasn't been the sunniest start to July but hopefully we are all still feeling happy and ready to go.



Today we are going to carry on thinking about fractions of amounts. Today we will be working through another maze but this time using non-unit fractions. 


To work out a non-unit fraction you must first find out what 1 would be then times your answer by the numerator. 


For example 2/9 of 18


1/9 of 18= (18 divided by 9) 2

so 2/9 must be 2 lots of 2= 4

2/9 of 18= 4


If you are struggling still then the video is still on youtube to help you

Then try and complete today's maze 




Today we are going to practise making sentences more emotive in order to persuade.

The easiest way to be emotive is to add adjectives to describe a noun, or adverbs to describe a verb:

The dog had been left by its owners

add an adjective and an adverb

The innocent dog had been cruelly left by its owners.

You could also change the verb for a more powerful one like

The innocent dog had been cruelly abandoned by its owners.

Make the following sentences more emotive:

1. The girl has to walk for water

2. Children get ill from the water

3. The people need clean water

4.The charity Water Aid try to help families without clean water.

5. Children are walking miles everyday.

6. The children want to go to school.



Spend 20 minutes at least on Read Theory or Reading Planet.



Go to My files and find the file called All About Africa


Listen to the instructions then read and answer the questions. Make sure you do both sections!




Downloads for your work

Wednesday 1st July

Good Morning Year 4! Can you believe it's July already?! After this week, there are only two more weeks of school, and then we'll all be ready for a break!


Here's your work for today.



Today we are looking at emotive language. These are words used to make us feel something.

It could be:


Remind yourself about how to find fractions of amounts here then try and find your way out of the fraction maze by finding the right answers.


Find the file called Wednesday Spelling ly suffix in My Files and listen to your instructions. Don't forget the bouns question at the bottom!



Watch the Zahra video again, then answer these questions. You can also find them in My Files, in the file called Zahra Questions. Remember to give evidence from the video for your answers.


1. Which country might Zahra come from and why?

2. What is the weather like?

3. When the water runs out, Zahra is tired and disappointed. What might happen in a place where there is no water left?




Tuesday 30th June

Good morning everyone! 


Here are your jobs for today




Using the skills you learned yesterday, download the questions below and have a go. When you’ve finished, use a calculator to check your answers.


If you get stuck, look back at yesterday’s lesson for some help.




Watch this video about a girl called Zahra.

Watch the video again, and come up with some words to describe how she feels at the beginning, middle and end of the story. I have done some for you to give you the idea. See if you can add three more words to each category.













Today we are looking at another persuasive technique, rhetorical questions. These are questions that you ask your reader that don't necessarily need an answer. 


You are going to be turning statements into rhetorical questions. For example:

You should come to Cardiff Bay!

can be turned into

Why not come to Cardiff Bay?


Go to the downloads at the underneath for the rest of your English questions. 




Spend 10 minutes on Read Theory. 

Now think of the last book you've read. We are going to summarise this means you tell me about it but in as little words as possible! I don't want to know all of the details just a summary.

Complete a story sandwich for your book.



Monday 29th June

Good Morning Year 4! Welcome to a brand new week. We hope you've had a lovely weekend and you're ready to start some work.

Here are your jobs for today:



(You can download this work underneath, too)


Go to this link and watch the two videos for a quick reminder about division.

Then go to this link and work through all the steps to practice your division. There are nine steps on the left hand side. When you have finished one, just click on the next one.


Miss King’s top tip:

If you find it tricky, follow the steps here:



Water stress is when there is not enough clean water to go around. This can happen in places where there is not much rain. It can also happen in countries that do not have good infrastructure - that means they don't have factories to clean the water or good supply pipes to take the water to people's houses and businesses.


Look at the map below, and make a list of 4 countries that have high water stress. If you need to, you can google a map of the world to show you where the countries are. The darker red the country is coloured, the higher the water stress.

You can also find this work in My Files. It's called Water Stress.



We're looking at the ly suffix this week. Remember, a suffix is a group of letters that goes at the end of a word to change the kind of word it is. 

Go to My Files, find Monday Spellings ly suffix and listen to the instructions. 

You can also download this work underneath.


Have a great day, and don't forget to do something fun too! 



And the winner is...


However a massive congratulations to 4KL for having the most individual players.

Keep an eye out for the next challenge coming soon to a rock stadium near you...

Friday 26th June


Happy Friday everyone! 

Here are your jobs for today.



Today you are going to be doing another grammar quiz. See if you can beat your score from last week.

You will find the grammar quiz in the downloads below. 


(It's called SPAG 2)



It's times tables Friday! Today you're doing a times table wordsearch. These work the same as normal wordsearches except for instead of words you're looking for the number sentences below. One is done for you. Numbers and signs can be used more than once.



Click the link to watch the video below, then answer these questions.


What is a dam?


What might happen if we did not collect water from the river?


What might it be like if you did not have enough water? 



Choose a character from a book you know well. Draw that character and write around it all the facts you know and the inferences you can make about them. Remember to think about both the inside and the outside of your character.


Thursday 25th June

Good Morning Everyone! 

Please start your day by playing on TT Rockstars for 15 mins, so you can help your class win!

Here are the rest of your jobs for today:



Today we are going to look at the following different types of word:

You can use the colours shown above or choose your own but I want you to read through this passage and highlight the different nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs you can find.


Go to My Files and find the file called Thursday Spelling. Listen to the instructions and follow what they say. (Remember - there are TWO jobs today.)



We’re carrying on with column subtraction today, but this time you’ll need to exchange twice, instead of just once. Download the sheet below to practice, then check your answers on a calculator. If you’ve got any wrong, see if you can spot your mistake and correct it in a different colour.



Click the link and match the words to the pictures to retell the Christian story of creation. Talk with an adult in your house and ask them if they know any other creation stories. What is the same? What is different?



If you're bored and fed up, try this:

Can you make a model of a beautiful garden, like in the creation story? You could: use lego, do junk modelling, make a painting or drawing, create a collage. Take a picture when you've finished so we can see who needs a Golden Sticker


Have a lovely day and don't forget, you can always talk to us on teams, email or chat if you want to.

Wednesday 24th June


Good morning Year 4! As well as your tasks below today you need to spend 15 minutes on TT Rockstars to make sure you've done your part in the class battle.



Watch this video to remind yourself how to do column subtraction, then download the sheet below to practice.

Remember: you MUST show your working out because we are practicing this method. And if it helps with setting it out, I’ve included some squared paper you can download to work on. When you’ve finished, check your own answers with a calculator. If you’ve got any wrong, see if you can spot your mistake and correct it in a different colour.




Today we will be looking at apostrophes. We use apostrophes in two different ways. Sometimes they show that something belongs to someone:

Can you pass me Isas bag?


We also use them in contractions to show a letter is missing:

I cant believe that!


Look at this website and complete the activity:

Now do the same with this one:




Spend 20 minutes on Read Theory or Reading Planet. Make sure you are using both so do whatever you din't do last time. Your books will be changin soon on Reading Planet so make sure you try and finish them off.



Today we’re going to think about our own water use. Download this water diary underneath and keep a record of how much water you use in a day. Did you use more water than you thought, or less?


Can't wait to see what you get up to on BGFL and Teams! 


Tuesday 23rd June

Good Morning Year 4! We hope you are well. Why don't you start your day off by moving your body and having fun with this Go Noodle:


Here are your jobs for day:



Today you are going to use your double and halving skills to solve some riddles. Each riddle has a secret number, you need to unravel the riddle to find out the number.
Here is an example of how I solved one:

I think of a number.

I double it and add 2.

The answer is 26.

                                                               What was my number?
​Start at 26 and go backwards (The inverse).
26 TAKE AWAY 2= 24
HALF OF 24= 12
I can check this to make sure. If I start at 12 and double it it makes 24 then I add 2 and get 26. This means I must be right!
Use the downloads below to find your Maths riddle to answer.



Today we are looking at prepositions: words that tell us where or when something is in relation to something else.

Watch the video and do the quiz on this website.

Use this image to come up with 5 sentences that have prepositional phrases.



The car drove along the road.




We're looking at prefixes this week. Go to My Files and find the file called Tuesday Spelling Prefixes.

Open it up and listen to your instructions.



We’re thinking about how we can save water today. Go back to the link we clicked on yesterday.

Scroll all the way down to the bottom, then click continue. Watch the video and complete the activities in the second section.

If you already completed this yesterday, I'd like you to create a poster that tells people about how to save water.



Monday 22nd June

Good morning year 4!

Welcome to a new week, we hope you are feeling fresh and ready to go. It is so important to keep active when you are in the house more, try this video from Marcus Rashford and get your body all stretched and ready to go!



I want to… double 37

So I… double 30 which makes60

Then I…double 7 which makes…14

Finally I…add the together 60+14=74

Use partitioning to work out the doubles of these numbers:

Original Number














You can use the same method to halve.

I want to…halve 44

So I…halve 40 which makes20

Then I…halve 4 which makes2

Finally I…add them together20+2=22

Original Number

















This week we are carrying on our grammar work and covering some things that we already know but are very easily forgotten.


Today it is tenses. When we read this sentence

I wear my coat last Monday because it was raining.

It doesn’t make sense as the tense is wrong. Last Monday is in the past so we need to change the verb to a past tense verb.

I wore my coat last Monday because it was raining.


Watch this video

Then go to this website and do the quiz


Sort through these sentences, decide which ones are past, present and future. You could copy and paste them then colour code it or you could just write them out onto paper.


I am running through the park.

I sang my heart out in collective worship.

I really miss going to school.

Sometimes the work is hard but sometimes it is easy.

The warriors went that way!

The river flows swiftly through the mountains.

The river will reach the sea.




Spend 20 minutes on Read Theory or Reading Planet. Go on the one that you didn't use last week. 




We’re starting a brand-new topic this week called Environmental Engineers! We’re going to be learning all about how water is used around the world and what happens when there isn’t enough.


To begin, click this link, then click the button called Join Molly and enter your details.

Then watch the video and complete the activities in the first section.

When you see the ‘continue’ button, then stop.




Downloads for your work

Friday 19th June

Happy Friday! Can you believe we've made it to the end of another week?! 

Here are your jobs for today. 



Today you need to click on the SPAG quiz from the downloads below. It has questions about lots of things we have practised this week as well as a few others that we have already covered. If you can’t remember what something means, then come back to the question at the end. You can also ask your teacher on Teams.



Click the link to get onto Flipgrid. Login with Microsoft, using your school email. 

Your job is to make a short video for the St John's family. Tell us what you've been doing in lockdown, what you're proud of and what you're looking forward to when we can be back together again.



It's BATTLE OF THE BANDS!!! 4KL versus 4A! Go onto TTRockstars and play to help your class win! The battle will last for one week and we'll announce the winners next Friday!



Go onto Spell Blast, click practice, then shared, then Year 4 Spellings. Practice the spellings we've been learning this week. If you get any wrong, practice them, then go back and test yourself again to see if you've improved.


Well done for all your hard work this week! We are so proud of you. Have a lovely weekend.

Downloads for your work

Thursday 18th June


Happy Thursday everyone! 


If you haven't managed to yet have a look at flipgrid and record a message telling us what you've been proud of or what you've enjoyed doing during lockdown. If you aren't sure what Flipgrid is then ask your grown up to check their parent mail from yesterday.




Today we are going to think about subordinate clauses and conjunctions. A subordinate clause is a phrase (part of a sentence) that DOESN’T make sense on its own. It often starts with what we call a subordinating conjunction like before, although or after (there are lots more than just these 3 though).

Watch this video to get a better idea of what subordinating clauses look like in a sentence and what the special conjunctions are that you need to look out for.

The MAIN clause in a sentence contains the main idea or action: Lucy went to bed


The SUBORDINATE clause in a sentence contains another idea or action: because she was tired.


We put the two clauses together to make our complex sentence:

Lucy went to bed because she was tired.

Activity 1

Find the MAIN CLAUSE in these sentences

  1. While looking through the window, Sophie saw the BFG.
  2. Tom saw the maid when she came through the door.
  3. Grandma said I could go out to play if I finished my homework.
  4. Although it was late, Sean watched the film.
  5. Mr. Smith bought the paper when he was on the train


Find the SUBORDINATE CLAUSE in these sentences (subordinate clauses often start with a conjunction!)

  1. When he had finished washing the dishes, Lee sat down.
  2. She felt sad whenever she saw the picture.
  3. If you eat all your dinner, you can have an ice cream.
  4. Steven was brushing his teeth while his sister was brushing her hair.
  5. Ryan got a prize although he was last in the race.




Revise column addition by watching Miss Kirk's video

Once you've done that try these questions using column addition. It will probably be easiest to do this on paper so you can write it out yourself.















Go onto Reading Planet. Try and finish your book today and complete a quiz. If you still have lots to read then use today to try and get at least 15 pages done. 

If you prefer you can use Read Theory.




Today we're learning all about the amazing Amazon River! Open the file called Amazon River in My Files and follow the instructions there.


As usual if you have any issues you can let us know on Teams, we can't wait to see your work!

Wednesday 17th June

Good Morning!

Welcome to Wednesday. Here are today's jobs. 



Today we are going to think about speech marks. These are also called inverted commas. They go around speech in writing. It is so important to include them as it can make it really tricky to make sense of who says what without them.

Watch these videos and make a checklist of what you need to remember to punctuate speech correctly.


Now work through these sentences from Roald Dahl’s The Twits punctuating the speech correctly.

  1. I’ve got eyes everywhere, so you’d better be careful, laughed Mrs Twit.
  2. That stick’s too long for you Mr Twit told his  wife  one  day. 
  3. You’d better be careful Mrs Twit said.
  4. What could have happened said Mrs Twit, looking at her walking stick.
  5. Mrs Twit turned to her husband and asked do you want to know why your spaghetti was squishy?
  6. Who wants windows Mr twit had said when they were building their house.  Who wants every Tom, Dick and Harry peeping in to see what you’re doing   It didn’t occur to Mr Twit that windows were meant for looking out of, not for looking into to.
  7. Mr Twit was furious.  As there are no birds for my pie tonight he shouted then it’ll have to be boys instead.  He started to climb the ladder.  Boy pie might be better than bird pie he went on.  More meat and not so many tiny little bones.  The boys were terrified.  He’s going to boil us cried one of them.


You can download this work underneath.



Have a look at the instructions here, then find the file called Place Value Maths in My Files and answer the questions. You can also download these instructions below.


We're finding out about some famous rivers today and tomorrow. Today is all about the River Nile. Go and find the River Nile file in My Files and follow the instructions there. 



Find the file called Spelling Wednesday in My Files and follow the instructions. You've got TWO spelling jobs today. 

Tuesday 16th June


Good morning everyone!


Here are all your new jobs for Tuesday.




Today we are going to be looking at the other ways you can end a sentence. We know that you can put a full stop at the end but you could also use an exclamation mark or a questions mark.


Watch this video and complete the quiz underneath

Now do the same again on here


We know that there are some words we often use to start questions like what, who, where, when and why. These are not the only words you will find starting a sentence. Think about asking is there any toast left? Or how did you do that?


The words WHAT and HOW we often think of as questions but you need to check as they are often used in exclamation sentences like WHAT AN AMAZING DAY! And HOW GOOD WAS THAT!


Rewrite these sentences with the most appropriate punctuation then come up with two of your own sentences for the bottom of the grid.

No punctuation

Best punctuation

Get out


What an amazing day


How old is your sister


How amazing is that


That work was really good









Today's RE is all about a river that is very special to Hindus, called the River Ganges, in India.

Watch the video, then go to My Files, find the file called River Ganges and listen to your instructions.




Go onto either Reading Planet or Read Theory for 15 minutes. If you choose Read Theory make sure you lets us know. You don't need to tell us on Reading Planet because we can see exactly who is going on and reading lots and lots!




Today we are going to think about a method of addition that is really helpful when you are working things out mentally. It is when you can use place value to mentally add a pair of numbers together.


23 + 75 = Think about the value of each digit in each number. 23 is made up of 20 and 3. 75 is made up of 70 and 5. Combine the tens (20 + 70 = 90) Combine the ones (3 + 5 = 8)


Using your place value to do these means you can work it out without a written method, often the best ones to work out mentally are questions where I know that none of the numbers will go over 10 so no carrying is needed.


Start by working out these questions mentally, there is a second activity underneath to challenge you further:












Now go to the downloads at the bottom and download your addition challenge.


Remember you can talk to us on Teams if you have any issue while you are doing your work!


Downloads for your work

Monday 15th June


Good Morning lovely Year 4!

We hope you've had a good weekend and are ready to do some work. Here are your jobs for today.



Go to My files and open up the file called Monday spellings to find out your spelling job.



Please read your book on Reading Planet and do the quiz at the end.. Use your usual user name and password. The centre id is 199591.



This week is going to be our grammar blast week. We will work through some grammar revision each day and then on Friday we will do a quiz on what we have learnt.

Today we are going to start on something that we know but lots of us are forgetting at the moment. Capital letters and full stops.


Capital Letters

A capital letter is needed at the beginning of any proper noun or the start of a sentence. A proper noun would be the name of a person or a place. They also include things like days of the week.

For example:

Miss Kirk took Max to the park in Birmingham on Wednesday. Max loves to play with the other dogs.

Full stops

Full stops separate sentences. A sentence is a complete phrase that includes a verb. To work out where to put a full stop we need to try and recognise when the sentence starts to change topic.

For example:

Miss Kirk took Max to the park in Birmingham on Wednesday. Max loves to play with the other dogs.

The green sentence talks about what Miss Kirk did, the purple sentence talks about what Max likes to do when he is at the park so our full stop splits the two sentences up and then another one closes it at the end.


Tick the words from the list that should have a capital letter:

Apples             Isa        London            Phone              Thursday         October           Doctor


Now add in the capital letters and full stops for the story below


A lovely Surprise

last night when i went home from school my mummy said she had a surprise for me as soon as we got into the house she told me to wait next to the door she ran into the kitchen and i could hear funny scratching noises I took my coat off and sat on the stairs waiting  patiently soon mummy came back and had something hiding under her coat the thing was moving and wriggling about she took her coat off and underneath there was a little puppy she said happy birthday to me and put the puppy in my arms I was so happy



Fill in the missing numbers in the number square. Use the decimal hundredths square to help you if you need it.

You can download this work underneath.



We're back to our rivers topic this week. 

Use the map to find the name of each river. Write the correct number next to each river name.

You can download this work below. 

Friday 12th June 


Happy Friday everyone! We hope you enjoy your jobs for today and have a lovely weekend.



Today we are thinking about data. Data means information and in Maths it is important to think about the different ways we can present information. One of these ways is through different types of graph. 


We will be taking a look at how you can use bar graphs to present football results. 

Go to this website and watch the video and the presentation. Once you've done this have a go at the quiz labelled "Activity 1".


Once you have done all that you can have a go at drawing your own bar charts by working through these questions.


If you complete your graphs quickly then have a go at this challenge. It is a lot more of a thinker than the first questions so only have a go if you are feeling really confident. Remember you can also use J2Data to draw graphs on BGFL if you want to. 





Today you are going to write your story using your planning from yesterday. It shouldn’t be the longest story as your plot should be quite simple however it should be at least half a page, any shorter and it is not likely you will have been able to describe your characters or the action in enough detail to make me empathise with anyone. You can write it on paper or type it up.




Correct the text below. 


miss kirk and miss king were really excited on monday they were going to go to the biggest wildest zoo in the whole world they were going to see lions tigers bears elephants and even dolphins im so excited miss kirk exclaimed i know me too miss king replied what an exciting day


Use the checklist to make sure you've found all the missing punctuation:

  • Capital letters for proper nouns and sentence starts
  • New idea new sentence needs full stops
  • Commas in a list
  • Apostrophe to show a contraction
  • Inverted commas (speech marks)
  • Exclamation mark




Listen to this song and then answer these questions.

  • What do you think is the message of the song?
  • How might these words be encouraging to someone facing racism?
  • What is something you can do to help stop racism?




Downloads for your work

Thursday 11th June

Good Morning Year 4!

We hope you are safe and happy. Here is your work for today.



Today we’re dividing by 100. To divide by 100, use your place value grid and move everything two places to the right to make everything 100 times smaller, like this:



If you divide a 2-digit number by 100, you’ll need a 0 in the ones, like this:

If you divide a 1-digit number by 100, you’ll need a 0 in the ones and a 0 in the tenths, like this:

Now try the practice questions. Download them underneath. Write your answers on paper or type them on J2E5.



Today you are going to be the author of a story that will teach about empathy (thinking about others). As the author you have a choice to make: are you going to tell a realistic story like The Cinnamon Bun, a funny story like Caveman Bok or a more magical story like one of Aesop’s Fables?


Once you have made your choice on the style of your story you need to plan out what happens. What is going to happen to test your main character’s empathy?


Here are some of my ideas:

  • Your character starts a fight at playtime, the other person gets the blame but they are innocent, what does your character do?
  • Your main character sees a homeless person on the street who has nothing. Is there something your main character could do to help?
  • A story about a bird whose nest is destroyed in a huge storm. Who will help them?
  • A powerful king who wants to build a new castle but needs to destroy people’s houses to do it.

Feel free to use one of my ideas or think of one of your own. Once you have your main idea fill in the boxes to decide what goes in each paragraph of your story.


Topic: Children for Justice

Now you have read Natasha’s story, choose one of these activities:


  • Make a card for Natasha to show her that you care about her.
  • Make a poster that persuades people Natasha and her family should stay in Britain.
  • Imagine you were one of Natasha's friends writing a letter to your M.P. (Member of Parliament) persuading him or her to let Natasha and her family stay in Britain. Here are some sentence starters that might help.


Dear ___________________,


I am writing to you because _________________________________________


If Natasha and her family have to return to their home country, ______________________________


You should let this family stay in Britain so that ______________________________________


Yours sincerely,





Lots of people get confused between the meaning of where and were.

Where is a word that describes the place of something and is often used in questions, for example

Where did I put my slippers?


Were is the past tense form of the verb to be when we are talking about more than one person, for example

We were outside when it started raining.


Today I would like you to create a picture that will help you remember which word has which meaning.

You could...

  • write the word where with a map around it to remind you it talks about place.
  • write the word were inside a big clock, to remind you it is a past tense verb. 
  • OR come up with your own idea!



Wednesday 10th June


Good morning everyone I hope you are all feeling happy and ready to go, here is your work for today.




Often young children’s very first stories include fables. These are stories that have a meaning behind them. The proper word for that is a moral. We often use the phrase “moral of the story” to mean what did you learn or what is the main point of what you are telling me. Fables often but don’t always feature animals as their main characters and although we empathise with them they don’t always make the right choice first time.

Watch these videos and for each one complete the sentence “The moral of the story is…”


Once you have worked out the moral for each story I want you to put them in order from your favourite to your least favourite.




What happens when you split 1 whole into 100 equal parts?


Each equal part is a fraction called a hundredth, you can also write this as a decimal: 0.01.

Today we will look at counting in hundredths, what happens when you have 10 or more hundredths and using place value grids, number lines and hundredths squares.

Watch the videos on here


Once you have done that have a go at these questions




Today we're going to find out about a girl called Natasha and how her friends helped her. Go to My Files and open the file called Let Natasha Stay. Read the information and answer the questions underneath. There are TWO pages today, so when you've finished the first one, click in the bottom right hand corner to turn the page.




Today we are thinking about what verbs and adverbs are. We will also be thinking about the difference between them. 


A verb is an action. For example I ran for the bus.

An adverb describes that verb. For example I ran frantically for the bus.


Work through the questions below. You can copy them out on paper, print the download below or copy and paste them from the website into J2E on BGFL.


Verbs and adverbs


Underline the verbs in these sentences.

  1. The mouse found the cheese.
  2. The cat chased the mouse.
  3. The frog leaped into the pond.
  4. The boy ate the chocolate bar.
  5. The car skidded round the bend and crashed.


Change the verbs in these sentences to alter the meaning.

The girl dropped the ice-cream.


The red team won the race!


The family loved camping.


The children bake a cake.


The boy ran across the road.



An adverb describes the verb.

For example: The alien suddenly jumped up behind them and burped loudly!


Underline the verbs in these sentences, then circle the adverbs.

  1. The cat purred softly.
  2. The giant sneezed loudly.
  3. The man drove quickly.
  4. The sun beat fiercely.
  5. She sang beautifully.

Change the adverbs in these sentences to alter the meaning.

  1. The teacher spoke sternly.


  1. The boy carefully wrote his name.


  1. The car quickly came to a halt.


  1. The children played noisily.



Remember to still get your reading done! You can use Reading Planet, Read Theory or anything you might have at home to read. You can also check out the next chapters of The Ickabog here Just scroll down to see the chapters and find where you got up to.

Tuesday 9th June

Good Morning Year 4! Welcome to Tuesday! 

We're carrying on with our work around empathy and justice today. Here are your jobs.


If you haven't been on Reading Planet and completed an end of book quiz yet, please do that first.

Use your normal user name and password. The centre id is 199591



Today we're dividing by 10. Use a place value chart and move everything one place to the right to make it ten times smaller, like this:

Remember, if you're dividing a one digit number by 10, you'll need a 0 in the ones column so we know you're talking about tenths now, instead of ones. 

So 7 ÷ 10 = 0.7

If you want a bit more explaining, have a look at the videos here, then complete the work underneath.

When you've finished, go back to the website and find the answers so you can check your own work. 

For a bigger version, click on the maths download underneath.



Yesterday’s story was all about Cora and the impact she had on someone else’s happiness just by taking a minute to think about how her Granny was feeling. Marcia Williams wrote a story about a very normal 10-year-old girl and allowed us to empathise with her Granny.


Today we are going to look at a very different story that still talks about empathy but in a sillier, more comedic way.  Stories have a magical power…they allow us to explore people and places far far away from what we know yet still come up with a message we understand at the end.


Caveman Learns Big Huge Lesson by Sam Copeland

Caveman Bok was happy. The cave was dry, the fire in front of him was crackling and he was picking fleas out of his beard to snack on. Caveson was sleeping in the back of the cave, and cavewoman Brenda was painting bison on the cave wall.

Suddenly Bok’s cavebrother Buk crashed through the cave entrance, a look of thunder on his face.‘I have worst day!’ he grunted, falling on the cave floor.

‘Oh no!’ said cavewoman Brenda. ‘What matter!’

‘First I chase sabretooth tiger,’ said Buk. ‘But I slip in mammoth poo and sabretooth run away! Now I smell terrible!’

Caveman Bok chortled. ‘It true! You smell like dead brontosaurus!’

‘It no funny!’ Buk glared at Bok. ‘Then got in fight with pterodactyl. I carry heavy sheep for dinner nearly all way home, then it suddenly swoop down and steal sheep!’

‘Ha! Ha!’ Bok laughed, pointing at Buk. ‘That very funny too! You lost sheep!’

Cavewoman Brenda glared at Bok. ‘It no funny! Poor Buk!’

‘Yes, no funny AT ALL! It horrible!’ shouted Buk. ‘Finally, my turn milk-testing, see which milk taste good. Wild warthog milk – yuck, make me sick. Spider-milk – tiny amount, also yuck. Snake-milk – yuck, make me sick, then snake bite me on end of nose.’

Caveman Bok burst out laughing. ‘Stop! Too funny! You drink terrible milk, get sick, then get bit on nose! My side split from laugh too much!’

Buk jumped up. ‘Bok! You horrible!’ And then he ran out of the cave.

‘Why you mean to Buk!’ Brenda said. ‘He had terrible day!’

‘What? Me no mean! It funny! He sick, get nose bit, land in mammoth poo. How that not funny?’

Brenda shook her head and said nothing, which gave Bok a funny feeling in his tummy which he did not like.

The next day it was Bok’s turn to hunt. He was chasing a great hairy buffalo, when suddenly the buffalo tumbled down a hill, and Bok tumbled after him, head over heels. Down he fell, until he landed - straight into a bee’s nest. The bees flew out, stinging Bok, as Bok ran away screaming. As Bok was running away from the bees, a gigantic pterodactyl flew over him, swooped down, and did a wee on his head, but Bok didn’t hear because the pee was silent. Bok sat on the forest floor, wet, aching and covered in bee stings. He was sad. And then he remembered laughing at Buk when Buk was sad the day before.

He ran back to the cave and told Brenda everything that had happened and how he felt sad like Buk had done. ‘I learn a great big lesson!’ Bok said.

‘That it important to try feel how other person feels?’ Brenda said, smiling. ‘To share how he feeling?’

‘No!’ Bok said, looking baffled. ‘If cavebrother has hilarious accident and they sad, don’t have accident too or else no funny anymore!’



This story would be a really fun way of talking to younger children about empathy.

Turn this story into a comic strip that would teach younger children about the importance of thinking about others. Remember to include your speech marks whenever a caveman speaks!


Topic: Children for Justice

We're looking at the story of Ruby Bridges again today. If you didn't read her story yesterday, scroll down to find it and catch up first. Then go to My Files and find the file called Ruby Bridges Part 2. Click play to listen to your instructions and find out your arty job! 



Today we are practising our homophones. Go to My Files and find the file called Homophones 1.

Click play to listen to your instructions - don't forget to click edit so you can work on the file.

Monday 8th June 


Good morning and welcome to a brand new week! 

This week on the 9th June it is Empathy Day, this means that this week you will find lots of work that is linked to empathy and that explores what this means. 




This week we are going to looking at how authors can teach their readers all about empathy. Empathy means to share and understand the feelings of another person. It is what allows us to be kind and compassionate even when it is not going to benefit us personally. Empathy is essential in a community as it allows us to serve one another and look out for the feelings of other people.


Authors have a special skill, by writing stories they allow us to empathise with lots of different characters who might be very similar to us or who might be very different. Today I want you to read this story by Marcia Williams. Once you have read it complete the activities underneath.


The Cinnamon Bun by Marcia Williams

Cora was nine years old. She lived with her mum in a bedsit full of sunshine, music and colour. On every wall there was a rainbow, so that when she woke up, no matter which way she was facing, there was always something cheery to look at.

Cora’s mum worked long hours, so after school Cora would walk round to Granny Lottie’s. Granny Lottie came from Denmark and would tell Cora wonderful stories about summers spent on a tiny island where she would collect berries, swim in an icy lake and make cinnamon buns. When the buns came out of the oven they smelled so sweet that the whole island would shiver with delight– or so Granny Lottie said!

Cora longed to taste the sweet, soft, spicy buns for herself. Granny Lottie promised Cora that as soon as she was well again, she would take her to the island where they would have soft, spicy cinnamon buns – proper Danish ones. But Granny Lottie had been saying that since forever, and could still only get out of bed to go to the bathroom.

On the morning of her tenth birthday, Cora found a little waxed-paper parcel by her plate, tied with pink ribbon. Her mum smiled as Cora undid the bow and slid her finger into the crease of the paper, and a wonderful aroma began to escape. Cora looked at her mum, and a shiver of delight ran through her. It was a cinnamon bun, but not just any cinnamon bun, for on the wax paper were the words ‘Danish Bakery’. It was a proper Danish cinnamon bun. Cora could feel her mouth watering! She closed her eyes and lifted the bun to her mouth, breathing in the buttery, sugary, cinnamon smell. She imagined Granny Lottie sitting on a rock by a lake about to bite into her own, warm, fragrant cinnamon bun and thought her dreams had come true.

After school, Cora ran all the way to Granny Lottie’s. “I thought you’d never get here,” said Granny Lottie. “Make me a mug of tea, would you, and break open the chocolate biscuits to celebrate your birthday.”

So Cora made some tea and put the chocolate biscuits on a plate, then carried the tray into Granny Lottie. “What’s this,” said Granny Lottie, picking up the little waxed paper parcel, retied with pink ribbon. “It’s for you,” said Cora as she bit into a biscuit. Cora watched as Granny Lottie fumbled with the ribbon. She smiled at the look of astonishment and delight on her granny’s face as a buttery, cinnamon smell wafted around the room. Granny Lottie closed her eyes and two fat tears rolled down her cheeks as she bit into the bun…

A shiver of delight ran through Cora as she shared in her granny’s joy – she could almost believe that she was on the little island, eating her own cinnamon bun.


  1. Draw a picture of Cora on her birthday. What important thing did she do with her present that makes it look very different to someone else on their birthday?
  2. List 5 words to describe the character of Cora
  3. How does Granny Lottie feel by the end of the story? What happened to make her feel this way?



Today we are thinking about tenths. This means that one whole has been split into 10 equal parts. We can recognise tenths in different ways.


Now look at where those 3/10 would sit on this number line from 0 to 1.


Watch the two videos on this website and then complete the questions underneath



For a bigger version click on the Maths download underneath.



Do a speed test, ask someone at home to time you for 10 minutes. During that 15 minutes see how many pages you can read, you can choose a reading book you have at home or you can use your books that are set to you on Reading Planet.



We're pressing pause on our river topic so we can spend this week looking at justice.

Justice is one of our school values and we've been hearing about a lot of unjust things happening in the world over the last couple of weeks. So this week we're going to explore some stories about children who made the world a more just and fair place. Look at the download below and follow the instructions.
