
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Tracey Chapman 6.9.21

New beginnings - starting over


Tracy Chapman (born March 30, 1964) is an American singer-songwriter. She is a multi-platinum and four-time Grammy Award–winning artist. 

Her first instrument was the ukulele which she started to play when she was 3. By the time she was 8 she was playing the guitar and writing songs. Tracy became famous on the American Folk music scene when she was 24. She performed at Nelson Mandela’s 70th birthday tribute concert and the song ‘Fast car’ became a huge hit. Her follow up song ‘Talkin’ about a revolution’ was also a bit hit around the world. Her songs are often about social issues which she sees around her which she feels needs to be talked about. She grew up in Ohio in the 1960s and faced a lot of racism which she talks openly about and challenges. 


 The song ‘new beginning’ was released over 25 years ago but the lyrics are relevant to how the world looks now. It talks about wanting to change the world, start over and how we are the people able to do this. 


The world is broken into fragments and pieces 
That once were joined together in a unified whole 
But now too many stand alone. There's too much separation 
We can resolve to come together in the new beginning 

Start all over. Start all over 
We can learn, we can teach, we can share 
The myths, the dreams, the prayer 
The notion that we can do better 
Change our lives and paths 
Create a new world 

Tracy Chapman - New Beginning (Official Music Video)

Talkin' Bout a Revolution
