
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10


W.B. Monday 13th July


Good morning everyone! Here are your writing activities for the week:



The book In the Garden is about a problem the children face. Can you think of a problem you faced and how you resolved it? Write a sentence. 



From today you are going to be creating a booklet! This booklet is all about your time in year one as you get ready to move to year two! Your first job is to draw a picture of yourself, your friends, your teacher and headteacher. 



Today you can write about your favourite things you have done in school! Draw a picture to go with it. 



Draw a picture of what you are best at, at school, you could draw this in a pair of smarty pants! 



Draw a front cover for your booklet. 

W.B. Monday 6th July


In the Garden


This week we will be continuing our writing based on the story 'In the Garden'. You can have another listen to the story on YouTube to refresh your memory. Whilst you are listening, make sure you look at the illustrations. 



In the illustrations in the book 'In the Garden', everything looks bigger than the children. Can you use an adults phone or iPad to take some photos where you look smaller? You can do this by putting a toy or object next to the camera and standing far away. Here is an example of me with a plant: 



Yesterday, you took some photos where you looked like you had shrunk! Can you write a sentence about your what is bigger in your photo now, "I am smaller than... ". 



Continue your write from yesterday! In 'In the Garden' the characters tell us how they feel (hot, tired), how would you feel if you were shrunk? 



The story characters find strawberries to eat in the book. Can you take a photo of yourself with a piece of food then write about what it tastes like? 


Write your own end to the story! What will happen when you grow bigger again? 



W.B. Monday 29th June

In the Garden


Our writing this week is based around the book In the Garden. These are your tasks for this week. You can listen to the story by following this link: 



In the story the children are shrunk in their garden. Where would you like to be shrunk? Draw a picture of where you would be shrunk. You could stick a photo of yourself looking small on here or draw yourself! 



Yesterday you drew a picture of where you would be shrunk. Can you write a sentence about the picture today?



We are learning all about the outdoors at the moment. In the 'In the Garden' story there is grass, a sandpit, a bee and much more. Can you write a list of things in your garden? If you do not have a garden you can write about the park. 



Where is your favourite outdoor spot? This might be your garden or a park you go to. Can you write a descriptive sentence about it? We use our senses at school to help us write a description.



Act out the story to an adult in your house. 

W.B. Monday 22nd June

This week our writing will be based around the story Jack and the Beanstalk, listen to the story here: 



Today's task is to use some brilliant adjectives to describe the beanstalk. You could write these around a bubble like last week. If you fancy a challenge you could write a super sentence to describe the beanstalk! 



Today's task is to use your imagination to think about what would be at the top of your beanstalk! There is a castle at the top of Jack's beanstalk, what would you like to see in the clouds? 



Today your task is to describe the characters in the story. You can describe Jack, his mum and the giant. What do they look like? What are their personalities? 



In the story, the giant shouts a rhyme "fee, fi, fo, fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman", can you practise this rhyme out loud? Have a go at writing your own rhyme starting with "fee, fi, fo, fum..."



Here is a selection of pictures from the story, can you describe what is happening? You could say this to an adult or write a sentence. 



W.B. Monday 15th June

The Enormous Turnip


This week our focus is The Enormous Turnip. Listen to the story using this link: 



Enormous means big and a turnip is a type of vegetable. Your job today is to think of as many different words you can think of that mean enormous. You then need to think of as many vegetables as you can.



Yesterday you thought of different words that mean enormous and different vegetables. That was because your job this week is to rewrite the story using a new adjective and vegetable. Today you can draw a story map with your own adjective and vegetable. I have started one below, my story is called the Colossal Carrot! You can label your story map to help you throughout the week. 



Today you are going to start rewriting your version of the story. First of all you need to write what happens in the beginning. You could illustrate this with a picture. 



Today you are going to continue rewriting your version, today you can focus on the middle part of the story. Use your story map to help you.



Today you will write the end of your story. If you feel like challenging yourself you could change the ending! In the original story they eat turnip soup, what food could they eat using your big vegetable?

W.B. Monday 8th June


The Tiny Seed



Today you will be starting to make a leaflet. We have made leaflets before at school. You can make a leaflet by folding a page into three different part, you will then do one page a day. Today's page is all about what a plant needs to grow. If you would like to challenge yourself you could write a question as your heading. You can also illustrate every page beautifully.


I have made a video with my leaflet example here: 



Today you can write the next page of your leaflet and this is about the different parts of a plant that we have looked at the past couple of days. 



Today you can write all about different plants (including trees) that you have in your garden or that you have seen on your daily walk! 



Contents page. The contents page can be used so people know which page of your leaflet to look at for which information. 



And finally, you can design a brilliant front cover for your leaflet. You can illustrate this and write a fantastic bold title so people know your leaflet is all about plants. 

W.B. Monday 1st June


This week we are beginning our new topic 'Green Fingers'. Our learning this week will be based around the story 'The Tiny Seed' by Eric Carle. Listen to the story here: 



Listen to the story on the video link. Today's task is draw a picture of what happened to the tiny seed in each season. You can divide your piece of paper into four parts to do this. This will create a plan for your writing over the week so you can draw detailed pictures to remind you of what happens. 



Yesterday you drew a picture for what happened to the seed in each season. This story is all about the life cycle of a plant. We are going to write about what happens in each season. Today you can write a sentence about what happened in Autumn. If you would like to challenge yourself, you can use describing words in your sentence. I have written my describing word in blue here. 



Today we are going to move on to Winter. What happens to the seeds in winter? Write a sentence to explain this. 



Next, we are going to write about what happens in Spring. Where is the seed now and what is happening?



Finally, we are going to write about what happens to the seed in Summer. Where is it? What has changed? 

W.B. Monday 18th May


Hello everyone. This week we will be basing our learning around the story 'Zog' by one of our favourite author's Julia Donaldson.

We have read this story at school but you can listen to it to remind yourselves here:

Activities for the week:


Zog is a dragon who goes to school. Today you can imagine you are a dragon and write a diary about the things you do in a day. You could even draw a picture of your favourite part of the day.



Today we are going to be thinking about dragon school again, but this time you can pretend to be a teacher! You can write a plan of what you are going to teach in the day. Last week you wrote what you do in the morning, afternoon and evening so you could set it out in times if you would like to. 



This story starts with Zog in Year 1 and tells us what he learns. Can you have a think back to when we were at school and write what you have learnt in year one? You could write different sentences about this or one sentence about your favourite thing you learnt about.

At school I learnt... 

My favourite things to learn about were... 



We have thought lots about Zog being in school in this story. Can you look at the different pictures in the story and write down a list of the settings in the book? You could also have a go at writing the different characters too!




We have thought about illustrators at school this year. An illustrator is someone who draws the pictures in the story. Can you draw a brilliant illustration of Zog? 

W.B. Monday 11th May 


Tell Me A Dragon

This week our writing activities will be based around the book: Tell Me A Dragon. Please listen to the story first on this link: 



Last week we thought about describing words. Your first job is to listen to the story and see how many describing words you can pick out. Maybe for each page you could pause the video and think about which words are describing the dragons. You could write these as a list or talk to an adult about your ideas. 



The end of the book told us about lots of different types of dragons from all around the world. Lots of different cultures have dragons to represent different things. This week we are going to use the four seasons to imagine our very own dragons! Each day you can tell me your dragon. You can draw it and describe it. 


Today we will start with you telling me your dragon of Spring. Have a think about the season spring and how you could create a dragon that represents it. When I think of spring I think of lots of flowers. Here is my spring dragon: 

I have drawn purple lines under the adjectives I have used. You can write one sentence or more it is up to you. smiley



Today we will move onto summer. What does summer make you think of? It is hot in summer. You could think about other things that remind you of summer and use them to describe and design your dragon. 



Today we will move onto the next season autumn. What makes you think of autumn? I think of the colours. I would draw and write about a dragon made of leaves with red and orange colours! Have a think about what reminds you of autumn.



The last season is winter! When I think of winter I think of ice and snow. You could use this to help you describe your dragon. 

W.B. Monday 4th May


This week our writing will be based around dragons. Here are the activities for this week.



Can you think of any stories that have dragons in them? We have read The Trouble With Dragons and The Magic Paintbrush which both had dragons in. Write down any other stories you can think of with dragons in.

Then draw a dragon and label it with different describing words. 




Treasure or trash?

Here are some different adjectives. Which ones could be used to describe a dragon?

Copy the words out putting your sound buttons on them into a table like the one below. The first two have been done for you.













Treasure Trash
Scaly Smiley



Dragons appearance 

First of all we will write about the dragons appearance. This means we will write about what it looks like. Think about its features. 


My sentences are: 

The dragon has huge and strong wings.

The dragon has evil eyes. 



Dragons personality 

Next we are going to think about the dragons personality. Is your dragon friendly or scary? Is your dragon kind or fierce?


My sentences are:

The dragon is angry and fierce. 

The dragon is aggressive. 



Where it lives  

Now we are going to describe where the dragon lives. Lots of dragons in stories live in castles, you know lots about castles so that would be a great one to describe. You can pick anything you like. 


My sentences:

The dragon lives in a creepy and grey castle.

The dragon roams around the big and scary towers.

W.B. Monday 27th April


Writing activities for this week: 


Write a set of questions about knights and castles. What would you like to know about these?


Where does a knight live?


Remember to use question marks. 


Pretend you have a castle, maybe you are having a party there. Write an invitation to your friends or family members to your castle. 


Dear ________ , 



Practise forming the letters of the alphabet in cursive. Start on the line and swoop the letters. 



Write a list of things that make you happy! smiley




W.B. Monday 20th April


Castle writing 


We are going to be thinking about castles this week. We learnt about a castle as a setting whilst we were at school.


This week your activities are:

Describe a castle using adjectives.

Have a think about all the amazing adjectives you know, which words could you use to describe a castle. Think about its colour and size.


Use your senses to write about a castle.

What does the castle look like?

What can you hear in the castle?

What does the castle smell like?

Can you use adjectives to improve your sentences?



We thought about labelling the different parts of our house last week. Can you think about what is the same and what is different about your house and a castle?

Think about:

My home

A stone castle


What does your front door look like? Does it have a window? How does a castle door keep enemies out?




How many windows does your house have? What are they made from?




How thick are the walls of your house? What are they made from? What is a castle wall made from?




How do you keep people out of your home? How were castles defended?




How many people live in your house? How many rooms are there? Think about these questions for a castle too




Here are some writing tasks for the week. You could try and complete one a day.


● Draw a picture of your house and label it.

● Write sentences using adjectives to describe a room in your house.

● Hide and seek: Write a set of instructions on how to find something in your bedroom. Think about the positional language to help find the object.

● Diary: Keep a diary of things that happen outside one of the windows in your house. 

● Draw a map of one of the rooms in your house. What symbols could you have? Where will you place items?
